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Author Topic: Hate how Discord works recently  (Read 1084 times)
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« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2024 @240.56 »

Man, this is so true.

I feel like the discord update is a perfect example of how modern media and the obsession with minimalism have completely taken over. Seriously, it has been a hot minute since I actually logged onto websites like this one. It feels like every other site out there has fallen into the same bland trap, churning out half-baked features that lack creativity and depth. We used to have a vibrant, diverse online landscape, and now everything looks and feels the same.

The discord layout, the setup- it was perfect. It was what really differentiated discord from other social media apps. Whenever I opened the app I felt like I was being transported into the dark web or sum shit like that LMAO- but that was apart of what made discord... discord.

Also, isn't discord 17+? Why would it need a parental control option in the first place?  :skull:

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Suck At Something September - Did It!uh oh! a pigeon got in!Artsy Candy CaneJoined 2024!
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2024 @632.70 »

Also, isn't discord 17+? Why would it need a parental control option in the first place?  :skull:

If something for adults is popular with kids, it will "quietly" start appealing to kids. Just look at Call of Duty.

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« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2024 @709.21 »

^ that's definitely true (i was also one of those kids :tongue:)

discord is 13+, though, and they've actually been fairly good at banning people who are underage. that never came without flaws, as even posting a jokey sounding message stating you're under the age of thirteen was enough to get your account locked until you could prove your age (which, iirc, involved sending discord support your ID) or straight up banned.

apple did implement what is basically an NSFW server ban that applied to most (all?) applicable apps, and i remember discord being mentioned a lot with this. at some point, it got loosened, and i think it's just that the channel pops up with a warning and you can choose to opt-in. i don't frequent that kind of stuff, though, so i can't really comment.

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« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2024 @28.11 »

If something for adults is popular with kids, it will "quietly" start appealing to kids. Just look at Call of Duty

I still don't think that the "parental controls" are going to do anything lmao :drat: But you are definitely right. You see it with games adding brighter colours or easier gameplay just to keep kids hooked. Once kids start showing interest, the whole thing changes to cater to them, even if it wasn’t meant for them in the first place.

I'm a student myself- and it's pretty draining to see people my age try to be older than they are. Feels like this generation is RUNNING towards adulthood rather than appreciating and actually living their childhoods.


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« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2025 @232.87 »

I checked out Matrix once but it's been a while. Element was the client I used I believe. It felt like Slack IIRC. I don't know much about it, but perhaps there's something there? Is there a group of melonheads on matrix? Is there a forum thread to help me connect with folks there? What's the best client?

  • People put Matrix on their profiles as a little category if they have it linked (like how you can link Discord, Space Hey, iMood, etc), so you could use that to find people. Just go through forum threads looking at peoples profiles and then @ing/dming then on Matrix via that (after all, if they have it linked at all on the forums it probably means they want to be contacted on there)
  • Tried doing a search for you and no, there isn't. You could probably make it though (and it would help with your hunt for other Melon-Matrix enjoyers
  • Did a whole bunch of research on it because I was considering joining Matrix myself at one point (but didn't because I decided I didn't have much of a reason to). Element is considered the best client by basically everyone (currently, could def change but that is the peak right now as of me writing this).

I would love a Matrix or Revolt server based around the web revival/melonland/neocities. Count me in if something like that pops up :)
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Suck At Something September - Did It!uh oh! a pigeon got in!Artsy Candy CaneJoined 2024!
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2025 @996.59 »

apple did implement what is basically an NSFW server ban that applied to most (all?) applicable apps, and i remember discord being mentioned a lot with this. at some point, it got loosened, and i think it's just that the channel pops up with a warning and you can choose to opt-in. i don't frequent that kind of stuff, though, so i can't really comment.

apparently, if the entire server is marked then it just wont show anything on ios

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« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2025 @806.46 »

I miss my buddy list! It listed people currently online and chatting. Remember away messages? IM windows. Chatrooms. There was a shift as IM made its way onto phones and people became always connected.

Discord is aptly named in my experience. One of a dozen servers may have 15 unread channels. Chaos. Even after leaving 'em all, I don't want a giant window with various tab-like things just to chat with a few friends.

Modern IM like Discord feels sleek yet messy. I want quirky yet simple. I want a little window with a list of my friends who are online. I want to be able to open a little chat window with them. Maybe I'm just old.

I totally agree! I like having a windows solely for each chat, being able to actually see chat logs as HTML files, and so on. BUT there's a fix for this! Use the IM client Pidgin (I believe the Mac equivalent is Adium) and then the purplediscord plugin, and you can use Discord in an older-style interface, with a buddy list, etc. Servers automatically show in your buddy list, but you can disable that if you want. I originally saw this advertised as a solution to get Discord on Windows XP, but it also works on newer Windows versions and Linux! I haven't tested this with Adium on a Mac yet, but I assume it should work.

Even as a retro lover, installed-Escargot (e.g. MSN 14) feels dated on Windows and it's not even feasible on Mac, so even some techy folks will resist it. And, mobile friendly seems important for many folks, even those looking to switch from Discord to something more akin to Escargot. The web version of Escargot may help with some or all of this.

I checked out Matrix once but it's been a while. Element was the client I used I believe. It felt like Slack IIRC. I don't know much about it, but perhaps there's something there? Is there a group of melonheads on matrix? Is there a forum thread to help me connect with folks there? What's the best client?

One more thought that's occurring to me, and it feel shallow to say it, but, I'm realizing one of the most important factors for me with regard to Discord vs the world is aesthetic/ UX. I love the charm of Melonland. The stars in the background, the raindrops, those spider webs up at the top of the page. The little pumpkins. The pixelated animated moon. Those retro icons. So much love is put into this little place and it's done in such a caring, tasteful stylized way that brings me joy. There are many reasons to take issue with Discord but if I'm being honest, I want to human interface with software that is joyful to use. That has soul. And that's why I long for something better.

But I also want to refocus on plasticseaslug's original points. The Discord updates are obtrusive. Whether it's a font change, nitro nags, D&D adventure pack Shop BS, notification changes, whatever. Maybe there's a skin or alternate clients that solves all these complaints? I played around with a terminal-based client once--it worked but was a little too extreme :P

This is totally the same for me! Like yeah, I hate Discord's over-corporatization, and privacy invasions, and everything, but I also just can't stand the UI. It's way too flat design-y for me, and I don't like that you can't have a simple windows with just the current channel or private IM chat, with nothing else on the side. It feels too bloated for a simple IM service, which is what I, and many others, primarily use it as. Plus, I just think the user interface is so super boring!

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