I'm on my second private, physical journal right now! I do like them a whole lot, and before this I'd never completed a notebook, not even for school lol, but my living situation has changed quite a bit and now it's a constant worry that someone will open it and read it when I don't want to
had a really close friend just open it and start flipping pages a few months back and I still haven't gotten over how angry that made me. There's a mix of everything there, from scrapbook-like pages, to quotes, to personal entries. Most of it is written in something other than my native language, but the most personal ones I do write on my native language.
I've had public journals before, but I didn't quite end up feeling comfortable with them. Had one on blogger like a decade ago and if my friends had been normal about it at the time, it would've been fine, but I would write about something in an abstract way and they would start pestering me about what that meant instead of just reading it. I guess that was a friend problem, more than a journal problem hahaha
And then I kinda used twitter like one for many years, as in every thought that I had, I HAD to spill on twitter. That ended up being really unhealthy for me, and many people thought they knew me just because of what I had tweeted, but I didn't feel like they really did so maybe what I wrote didn't come across in the right way. Luckily I got out of there.
Moving forward I think I'll stick to physical, private journals. I do see them as a history artifacts for whoever to find whenever I'm not here anymore (here my country? here this house? here this life? i don't really know), and digital journals would make me scared to lose everything if anything were to happen to them, or my devices, or my passwords.