The past few days I've been thinking more about accessibility, but also hiding little secrets around websites.
Pages that are a bit hard to find, hidden symbols and text, hiding something in plain sight; maybe through not making it look as if it is clickable or focusable when it is, or other means. Not including it in your sitemap too, probably.
It seems like stuff that is harder to find on websites so it is a surprise or a secret people can find/"unlock" automatically means it is less accessible, because it leaves some people in the dark about it - intentionally so.
I was wondering if that is "fair", where you draw the line between secrets on your website and accessibility, when it becomes inaccessible and when secrets are too exclusionary. And is it a ""right"" people have that they should be able to find this, should secrets be super accessible, and when do they stop being secrets then?
I think it is interesting where the balance lies between having a little surprise for "dedicated" people on your site, vs. accidentally designing it in a way that completely excludes a group of people by default. What would you do?