I'd totally buy!
The compromises to make a plush are probably dependent on how big the plush is! An exceptionally tiny Ozwomp (that you could wear like a ring on your finger
) is probably gonna have fat little arms or even mixed-medium pieces, like arms made of plastic or cuts of hard rubber. I'm sure you must suspect that at any reasonably priced size, he may not have any convex corners left on his face. Close to that, though, how invested are we in the rim of his hat?
You might be able to have that part made out of a sheet of fabric or translucent red plastic, but we'll probably want input from the community on how to present that part of his design! It's probably not something to make a supplier decide on their own.
His posture is also something to think about. A sitting Ozwomp might be able to balance himself if you can find a comfortable length of his face that would make him able to sit up with the given weight distribution. That compromises him being star-shaped, though, so it's probably another bit you'd want to feel comfortable with.
In any case, I think it'd be great to be able to wear him as a ring or bracelet, so there are a couple of sweet-spot donut sizes if you think that'd be cool! Maybe that would also need a material with a bit of stretchiness to it?
Having community-made DIY Ozwomp recipes could be really cool, too, and I'm not sure that that has to be either/or! We can get some Ozwomps supplied AND some DIY Ozwomps (& DIY MeloZorb plushies?
If the process really interests you & it doesn't put you in an uncomfortable hole, I'd say go for it! You already have a few potential buyers here, though shipping cost is something to really query since people are spread out over the English-speaking world. Maybe get a sample plush from a European supplier and see if you can find a way to also supply or distribute from a place in the US, to help lower shipping costs for everyone? There are lots of ways this could go! I know you must have lots of other things you'd like to do, so whatever you decide with this, good luck & have fun