Drinking my coffee and noticing that the forum is closed on this glorious Monday, I have decided to write a post.
Recently there was a question on if the forum should be open on Mondays. I hope it doesn't because otherwise I would never have this nice little ritual. Its not always a Melonland post. Sometimes its writing or coding. Recently I've had a small flurry of activity updating my website and fixing broken links. Soon I'll pay for the sound to work and upload the mind control into your heads.
Anyway, the point of this post -- Did you know that you can update your neocities website from the commandline on Linux and Mac? I have recently found out about a gem usable on Macs from
this wonderful blog. I wish that I remembered what user here I saw a link to this blog from. I scoured all of the new posts but can't find where I read it.
I tried to get this working on Linux, but it was kind of a pain. I almost gave up until I found out that there is a bash script which does the same thing.
Here is the github. Just for fun, I included a screenshot of the most useful bit of info on this from my web browser.
This has turned messing with my neocities website from kind of an awful slog of clicking the same button again and again to a simple matter of typing a single command after editing the html. My website still looks kind of not good, but thats ok. Its more fun to just mess with it - like a model train set.