You know, I really like this idea. I understand the reasoning for it. I think you implemented it really well. I enjoyed reading it, and it enabled me to appreciate your website more.
That said, I have mixed feelings about this. It reminds me a bit of like explaining a joke. I'm the first to need a joke explained to me, so I appreciate someone doing so... That's not a good example.
A better example is the aspect of art and the creator and the message. When does the work stop belonging to the artist and take on a life of its own via interpretation. I'm really big on personal interpretation and the message rather than the messenger.
I don't think I'm speaking very coherently. Let me try to sum up what I'm saying: When, if ever, does saying too much become a problem? Is less more? And while I'm sure it depends on the person, perhaps discussing some examples of different situations might help one decide.
Hope this makes sense. But again, I liked it a lot.