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Author Topic: Most Interesting Job You've Had?  (Read 1462 times)
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20th Birthday CakeFirst 1000 Members!Graduate '23Pet BatCool Dude AwardJoined 2022!
« on: February 17, 2023 @672.86 »

Recently, I have gotten a new job and it's super interesting but really hard to explain to people IRL. I've never had a job like this before, basically I work with my friend for this small business that sets up children's parties! I will insert some photos for examples, it's basically sleepover parties and its sooo cutely decorated.. when we were younger, both before we worked for them, we had a D&D themed party from them!

Basically, my job is to sort storage and there is "spa day parties" they need help with where they give the kids hairstyles, do their nails, etc. (I help with Glitter Tattoos).. You can probably see why this is hard to explain to my friends. One of them asked me if i was basically a glorified clown, and uh, yeah pretty much what it is  :ok:  :ok: I don't mind tho! I've always loved taking care of kids. Plus the job pays really well.

 This one is a lot more different from my previous jobs, I've done food prep jobs mainly before this.  :ohdear: (Albeit, in those experiences I was severely underpayed I also was NOT ALLOWED TO SIT  :ozwomp: .. Yeah, that undisclosed business it being sued for child labor law stuff at the moment too)

What is the most interesting job you've had? What did you have to do in it?

P.S. here are some example photos of what I do in my job basically -w-

* IMG_6317.jpg (181.96 kB, 765x1020 - viewed 64 times.)

* 141751930_10217677860249626_2947677356399408525_o.jpg (196.99 kB, 1020x1020 - viewed 51 times.)

* IMG_6254.jpg (201.64 kB, 765x1020 - viewed 47 times.)

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First 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!Coziest Café Award 2023Café ClubJoined 2022!
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2023 @708.50 »

That's such a cool job!! Most interesting job I've had was going to artist studios and art galleries to photograph paintings for print reproduction and archiving. I got to photograph this one painting from the 16th century!

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« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2023 @737.66 »

oh wow, those little tents are so cute!

the most interesting job I've had was last summer I worked as an assistant naturalist at a state park where I got paid to go on kayak tours and go hiking, things I already loved doing! and I got to see a wild coyote while I was out on the trails hehe

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First 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!Coziest Café Award 2023Café ClubJoined 2022!
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2023 @773.75 »

oh wow, those little tents are so cute!

the most interesting job I've had was last summer I worked as an assistant naturalist at a state park where I got paid to go on kayak tours and go hiking, things I already loved doing! and I got to see a wild coyote while I was out on the trails hehe

I would love that job. That is awesome!

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« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2023 @923.72 »

ohhh putting together parties must be so fun!! once i was hired for this art "school" and on my first day i had to lead an all day stop-motion camp for a bunch of kids, it was fun sometimes but i had no training, was by myself with like 10 kids struggling to keep their attention so it was also kind of hell lol. the school was really shitty (everything about it was a huge red flag, illegal wage theft, poor conditions for the kids, the boss shit talked the employees) so i only stayed for 2 weeks lol.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2023 @925.83 by cinni » Logged

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2023 @632.59 »

I read this yesterday and it seems like the most perfect job for you midi! Those tents look like they would be really fun as a kid - I used to have a tent setup on my bed when I was about 5  :smile:

Hmm so when I was in NY I worked at a curiosities shop in lower Manhatten - I was mostly sorting out their store rooms which was great because it was winter and I was in the basement with this huge fiery boiler, I must have been the only warm person in NY!

Here is a mask of unknown power apparently:
One day I opened a box and there was a big moon inside!

There was also this mysterious door that was bolted shut with multiple bolts; one day I was like "I must open the door!" - It was kinda stuck shut, but eventually I got it open.. inside there was this faceless wooden effigy.. I locked the door again quiet fast..
Possibly Haunted

When I left they held a charming lil cake summoning party :happy:

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First 1000 Members!MARIO64.PNGCool Dude AwardJoined 2022!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2023 @783.29 »

I read this yesterday and it seems like the most perfect job for you midi! Those tents look like they would be really fun as a kid - I used to have a tent setup on my bed when I was about 5  :smile:

Hmm so when I was in NY I worked at a curiosities shop in lower Manhatten - I was mostly sorting out their store rooms which was great because it was winter and I was in the basement with this huge fiery boiler, I must have been the only warm person in NY!

Here is a mask of unknown power apparently:
One day I opened a box and there was a big moon inside!

There was also this mysterious door that was bolted shut with multiple bolts; one day I was like "I must open the door!" - It was kinda stuck shut, but eventually I got it open.. inside there was this faceless wooden effigy.. I locked the door again quiet fast..
Possibly Haunted

When I left they held a charming lil cake summoning party :happy:

You never told us you worked for the devil  :omg:

"Will you stop adding lampposts to my games?"

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20th Birthday CakeFirst 1000 Members!Graduate '23Pet BatCool Dude AwardJoined 2022!
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2023 @784.19 »

You never told us you worked for the devil  :omg:

Oh, haven't you heard? Melon is taking fiddle lessons  :ok:

Why can't people love me for who I am instead of the nineteen-year-old nymphomaniacal hottie college student I am on MySpace?
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« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2023 @914.50 »

my job right now is boring administration stuff, but when I was in high school and uni I worked in the summer at a Geology museum. :) I got to take tours around the building, teach people how to gold pan and fervently micro-manage the gift shop! Most of the time it was god-awful boring, but my fondest memory was when an old man came in, told me to hold out my hand, and he dropped a big lump of raw gold into my palm... If only I'd been allowed to keep it.

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2023 @955.07 »

You never told us you worked for the devil 
I never thought of it like that.. but now that you mention it :omg:

old man came in, told me to hold out my hand, and he dropped a big lump of raw gold into my palm
Why did he have it?! Was he a 49er who just defrosted from a mountain ice cave? Is this something he regularly did at geology institutions?

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« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2023 @335.53 »

Why did he have it?! Was he a 49er who just defrosted from a mountain ice cave? Is this something he regularly did at geology institutions?

I think he was just an amateur rockhound who got lucky on his farm! Where I grew up was a gold mining town in the 1800s and the mountains are still full of gold (and the rivers now too, since they just let stamper battery leftovers run back into the rivers. Environment? never heard of her). Lots of old people came to the museum because the curator was a town personality and very knowledgable about the area - his own father had been the curator before him. Unfortunately he passed on recently. :(

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« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2023 @612.66 »

Too bad you couldn't keep the rock. Was it because it was for the museum?

I used to work a normal customer service job at a small business, and there was a couple times customers would randomly give me cool rocks they found. One was petrified wood, and another was a [redacted], which is only found around where I live. I still have the petrified wood, but I think the [redacted] got lost somewhere in my parent's house, so hopefully it'll show up someday.

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« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2023 @186.46 »

Too bad you couldn't keep the rock. Was it because it was for the museum?

I used to work a normal customer service job at a small business, and there was a couple times customers would randomly give me cool rocks they found. One was petrified wood, and another was a [redacted], which is only found around where I live. I still have the petrified wood, but I think the [redacted] got lost somewhere in my parent's house, so hopefully it'll show up someday.

Man, I wish! He just wanted to show it off and have an old-man to old-man chat with the curator, lol. It sounds awesome to get cool rocks and petrified wood from customers and local specialties! Petrified wood is soooo pretty, I think it's underappreciated.

:TnT: Not a mackerel!
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« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2023 @928.19 »

wow! i love reading about all the interesting jobs y'all have had!

i've had a lot of jobs in my life, but i think the most abnormal to what i do now, working as a production assistant on films in LA was the most interesting. there was a different vibe altogether for my life, really pushing and hustling to just make ends meet, so it gave me a different challenge every day, and the lack of responsibility allowed me to flex in ways that other people couldn't. wild times.
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