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Your friendly neighborhood boygirl!
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« on: July 09, 2023 @770.41 » |
It's not new by a long shot, of course, but I thought I should share my webring: Autists Online! It's a webring for autistic webmasters, and aims to celebrate autistic identity and community within the indie web~! It's my first and currently only webring, so, if you're interested, check it out, and maybe apply? Now, as for the "webring masterlist" part of the subject, I'd like to share a resource I've created! is a little something I've put together. It aims to put together a masterlist of all Neocities-hosted webrings! It's listed in alphabetical order, and includes links to each webring and a description for their target audience. It currently includes links to over 30 different webrings for you to check out at your leisure! Of course, if I've missed any webrings, let me know so they can be added!
« Last Edit: July 09, 2023 @778.28 by Bede »
Sr. Member ⚓︎
 ⛺︎ My Room

« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2023 @714.07 » |
I could chew nails at the moment. What happened was that the storm blew down a couple of trees which took out the power and phone lines to the entire area. Power was out for 3 days but when the router and modem powered up they went into stealth mode.
What that means is that all the ports are protected and not responding. My ISP does not normally block server ports - - but everything is now in "stealth" mode which means the computers cannot respond to requests.
It is common for ISPs to say in their TOS you are not allowed to run any type of server on their services but I've always found their support to be very helpful. Just from the traffic and port forwarding on the router they must know there's servers being run and obviously will not offer any type of support for them. I talked to one of their engineers and it seems I'm not the only one experiencing problems. They're sending someone out to look at the devices in a day or so and I should be back online once they've done whatever needs doing or replaced them.