I agree with everyone above, but I'm gonna play the devils advocate! Lets assume you want views at all costs, how do you do it?

Firstly, why do views matter? Well views only matter if you have ads to profit from them, or some other value your getting from the views. So if you plan to get a lot of views, setup ads or sell stuff! (Remember this means your site is really about selling and not about you)
Next, get a good metrics system like GoatCounter, this will tell you info about your views and where your traffic is coming from. Its important to understand that there are bad views and good views. Bad views come from bots and are not worth much, good views are real people who visit your site.
Once all that it setup you should know, why you want views, and where most of your views are currently coming from.
Now, how to actually get more views:
1. If your on neocities, just spam follow everyone, I mean everyone! Follow like 50 people a day, if even 1/4 follow you back you'll still get dozens of followers. Followers = Font Page = Views. If your not on neocities, see if there is a similar system you can use on your platform.
2. Spam your content across social media, reddit and twitter are prob the best for getting quick views. Make something funny like a page that shouts the word "Blasphemy" when you click a duck and share it everywhere. Remember though, social media views are temporary so find a way to hook your visitors in, get them to sign up to a newsletter or follow your tiktoc.
3. Link back link back link back, get people to link back to you. The best way to get links is to make a service that people link too, like a webring, or some sort of site content generator.
4. Get in with Google. Make sure your site fits the google standard and buy google adwords to improve your search ranking. This works best for particular topics, so if your site has a lot about Petz, buy words that people who are into Petz are into and make sure your site is always first on search results.
5. Make your site easy to access, make it work across all devices, don't have a landing page (those just scare people away). Make sure that every good view you get stays on your site as long as possible, employ infinity scrolling content etc to do this.
I think if you do all that you willll get a lot of views, but I think you'll prob have lost a lot along the way. Some of it I actually do recommend you do in moderation, get GoatCounter, follow a few people, share your best pages on social media. Just remember that unless you have a reason to need more views, there is not much point worrying about them, also remember that in the real world, views come and go, some times of the year people will be online more, other times less so, its always different.