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« on: November 15, 2021 @792.25 »

Ozwomp's Voyage - Playable
This is a running development journal for ozwomps voyage, with some images converted over from discord.


General Info:
This will be a short multiplayer exploration game, where you travel through different lands collecting discs and listening to weird music. Im hoping to allow it to be a semi-mmo so you'll be able to see other players even if you cant really interact with them much. In general it showcases many of the worlds Iv worked on so far.

Expected early release of the game: End of November - Early December 2021!

The first draft of this will be a download game, however I MIGHT do a web world later on, but it would have to have a lot of the visual extras cut out :notgood:

Early planning work on paper and thinking out ideas and tasks. I tend to try and have a loose plan of what Im thinking of doing and I find it helpful to break things down into tasks and types of tasks so the whole thing does not become overwhelming. Then you can be like OK THIS WEEK Im doing X and dont need to worry about Y.

Early view of the island world- The original project was Unity HDRP, the new one is URP, so some visuals lost BUT some things work better.

Trying to bring in complex lighting and messing with inverted light, it makes some weird but cool visual results.

A view of a mostly complete level with lighting, sky, textures, atmospherics and the disks players will eventually collect to move on!
« Last Edit: December 13, 2021 @991.33 by Melooon » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2021 @174.00 »

This looks cool! (You know it's serious when the graphing paper comes out...) I know bupkus about programming, but I really dig the kinda sharp, unreal look the map has. Does that makes sense? Maybe! It looks really dreamlike and atmospheric. Kinda reminds me of an old 3d animation/tech demo that used to play on TV now and then circa 1996. Something about a bird and a fish, and their impossible love (does anyone know what I'm talking about, lol.)

Sounds very ambitious and fun to explore!
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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2021 @447.21 »

This looks cool! (You know it's serious when the graphing paper comes out...) I know bupkus about programming, but I really dig the kinda sharp, unreal look the map has. Does that makes sense? Maybe! It looks really dreamlike and atmospheric. Kinda reminds me of an old 3d animation/tech demo that used to play on TV now and then circa 1996. Something about a bird and a fish, and their impossible love (does anyone know what I'm talking about, lol.)

Sounds very ambitious and fun to explore!

Wow that’s great feedback, that’s exactly the mood I’m aiming for! :grin:


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« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2021 @725.74 »

Icona City - Minidiscs travel the roads, networking from node to node.

EDIT: Also some bad news, I have had to cut the MOMG world from the game, it simply does not work well in unity, I just cant make it stable enough. HOWEVER I will try and redo it as a separate minigame in MelonEngine, I think that could handle it.

EDIT2: Work today - Added working intro UI, also look at this lovely image!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2021 @819.29 by Melooon » Logged

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« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2021 @834.92 »

Updates of the day, started work on audio and game feel. and OH BOY, its pretty without sound, but when you get the sound just right :grin:

For reference, the entire soundtrack will be made up of songs by Siddhartha Corsus https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Siddhartha a lot of them are a bit new agey, but when you pick out the ones that work, it really sparkles!

Hoping to be done in the next week, although I might be away for a few days which would delay things.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2021 @851.28 by Melooon » Logged

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« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2021 @868.37 »

I really like seeing other people's thought processes and wips, so this is a real treat, especially the physical notes. And wow, excited for the launch, that's coming up way sooner than I expected! Looking forward to exploring the magical and whimsical worlds of Ozwomp.

The idea of it being a semi-mmo without interaction has a lot of charm of its own, perhaps we'll all run into each other without knowing it LOL (informal launch party?). I am assuming other players will also be Ozwomp? Ozwomp recolored? Either way, the mental visual of Ozwomps aplenty is great, but if you already had plans for something different I'd be curious to hear.

I'm also incredibly curious, as someone who is used to traditionally downloadable games/is very new to web worlds, do you feel that the losses between the two platforms is manageable for what you're hoping to achieve? Based on your post so far it sounds like most of the losses are visual, but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on high level limitations or capabilities between the two.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2021 @869.43 by Nightdrift » Logged

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2021 @998.23 »

The idea of it being a semi-mmo without interaction has a lot of charm of its own, perhaps we'll all run into each other without knowing it LOL (informal launch party?). I am assuming other players will also be Ozwomp? Ozwomp recolored? Either way, the mental visual of Ozwomps aplenty is great, but if you already had plans for something different I'd be curious to hear.

I'm also incredibly curious, as someone who is used to traditionally downloadable games/is very new to web worlds, do you feel that the losses between the two platforms is manageable for what you're hoping to achieve? Based on your post so far it sounds like most of the losses are visual, but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on high level limitations or capabilities between the two.

Yes everyone will be an Onzwomp! I think making them different colours is a really good idea! My idea for the mmo aspect is actually part of a larger plan, I want to release a standard package on multiple game engines that allows you to drag and drop the same simple multiplayer functionality into games. Its part of my larger micro-metaverse project!

Yeah, pretty much any game can be released as a web game, the loss is in graphics ability. A web game will not be able to have fancy lighting and fog, and it will not be able to have as many objects on screen, or complex animations. There's always a cat and mouse chase of expectation v quality in games. A web game today that we consider quite limited would have been an impressive game a few years ago!

======== ALSO NEWS ========

I am looking for testers for the early dev build!
Attached are the questions Id like answered by testers, if you are interested DM me to get a download link! (Let me know what OS you use!)

* QUESTIONS.txt (1.54 kB - downloaded 95 times.)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2021 @732.81 by Melooon » Logged

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« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2021 @166.46 »

ooooh i am a big ozwomp fan!! i really like your approach to world design - ie utilizing bold shapes n primary colors. it's pretty refreshing to look at and feels very otherworldy, and like, reminds me of all the best parts of memphis style haha.

i also enjoy the flight/soar mechanics, in the few melon games i've played it's satisfying to move around n explore the world that way. the worlds you've made have nice visual variety, still obsessed with the twirly green smoke. the notes r cool cuz i always like to see how other people plan out their projects!

it's a shame about MoMG, but i freakin love the idea of a website turned virtual world, i want to make one too >_< haha. making a game is a big undertaking but i can't wait to see how it goes!!

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« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2021 @472.80 »

======== ALSO NEWS ========

I am looking for testers for the early dev build!
Attached are the questions Id like answered by testers, if you are interested DM me to get a download link! (Let me know what OS you use!)

Hell yeah! Got the Test 3 beta and going to play it tonight. :ozwomp: :ozwomp:

:D the doctor is in! :D
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« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2021 @764.99 »

Updated topic with a new promo video! (You cant actually download it yet, but i do wanna put up some sort of download soon!)

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« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2021 @940.72 »

Bon voyage Ozwomp!
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« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2021 @957.04 »

New trailer looks great, and wow, I didn't realize just how gold the City of Gold level was supposed to actually be LOL. looking forward to playing that section in its proper glory.

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2021 @933.33 »

Play Testing Results and Updates:

So I just wanted to make a note of some of the edits I made based on play testing feedback. Thankfully about 5 people played fully and returned their questions and I was able to incorporate their thoughts.

  • Player controls were redesigned and made tighter
  • Boost and slowdown controls were added
  • A new world was added: City of Gold
  • The game was given a goal and ending
  • The play sequence of worlds was redone
  • New audio was added
  • A scene select menu was added
  • A major lighting bug was found and fixed
  • A number of minor bugs were fixed

Most people seemed to enjoy the game (although I think most testers would not tell me if they hated it, and most people could run it, although Macs are an issue) :pc:
So I think this is a good lesson on the value of testing and why its a good idea to do it and do it early! I think the game is at least 70% better thanks to the feedback.

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« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2021 @882.92 »

I downloaded the game earlier today, and had such a wonderful time playing through each level. I think it landed perfectly with the fact that I needed something relaxing. I enjoyed being able to go slowly, explore, look at the subtleties of each level. My absolute favorite level is level 2. Those simple shapes and lightning with the soundtrack was such a breath of fresh air! What's incredible is that there's something to look at everywhere, and as time passes so does the scene slowly evolves. I'll definitely play again to relax. Thanks and congrats on the release, Melon!

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2021 @939.06 »

I downloaded the game earlier today, and had such a wonderful time playing through each level. I think it landed perfectly with the fact that I needed something relaxing. I enjoyed being able to go slowly, explore, look at the subtleties of each level. My absolute favorite level is level 2. Those simple shapes and lightning with the soundtrack was such a breath of fresh air! What's incredible is that there's something to look at everywhere, and as time passes so does the scene slowly evolves. I'll definitely play again to relax. Thanks and congrats on the release, Melon!

Thank you! Im really glad you enjoyed it (and it ran well for you!) :cheesy:

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