Is there another term for the concept that you think is better?
I wouldn't say there's a better term for the concept of Angel Numbers as the concept was taught by Doreen Virtue. It is not that black and white. What she taught in stripped-down terms is that repeating numbers (especially in threes) are a way that literal Angels or guardian Angels communicate with people. That idea was copied to lots of new age websites.
Here's a quote directly from the introduction to her book "Angel Numbers":
"Most people notice the repetition of certain number sequences and begin
to wonder, What does this mean? I’m among those who are curious about
number symbology. As a longtime student of Pyththagorean numerology,
I’ve wondered whether repetitive digits are significant beyond their
mathematical functions. My studies show me that they are!
The angels taught me long ago that they’ll help us with anything,
provided that we ask for that assistance. After all, the angels can’t violate
our free will. Instead, they wait for us to request help before they’re allowed
to intervene in our lives...So when I wondered about the meaning of number sequences, it was only
a matter of time before I had the “aha!” realization that I could ask the
angels for help with that, too. So I sat in meditation with paper and pen (and
occasionally with my laptop) and went down the list of numbers from 0
through 999. The angels gave me keys to understanding the vibrational
meanings of each number, and the cumulative significance of groups of
So basically as she taught it, every number has a meaning that she channeled directly from what the Angels told her. But it should also be noted that she has since denounced all this and claims she realized it was devils speaking to her and that we are all sinners. Considering the whole system of Angel Numbers is derived entirely from Unverified Personal Gnosis (UPG), I would say there is really no equivalent.
I personally think repeating numbers tie in more with the concept of synchronicity, and they fall more under the whole umbrella of Numerology/Arithmancy. But there are different methods under Numerology such as the Agrippan Method, the Chaldean Method, and the Pythagorean Method (which Doreen Virtue references in the quote above). Also, numbers have different significance depending on what numerology system you're using and things like religion and culture. I find it very fascinating, and I've personally used Pythagorean Numerology before.