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Author Topic: A new year for your website journey - what will it hold?  (Read 1525 times)
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« on: November 09, 2023 @742.94 »

The year is coming to a close pretty soon! I know it seems early, but time is running when you don't look.

For what changed throughout the year, we have Your Website Year in Review.

But what do you think will happen to your website(s) next year? Anything you're waiting to tackle? Anything you're starting or ending next year that will probably affect how you work on your website or what you add to it?
Maybe you'll have less time, more time?

In my case, I hope I will finally be done with my two main websites so they can rest a bit and be updated periodically; what will be active instead are blog entries about my feelings, about continuing to build my toybrick castle, modding the Steam deck, my venture into programming and doing things like The Odin Project or Linux From Scratch, for fun.

But I won't abandon website making! I will finally continue working on a fansite for a video game series I like! That one will serve as a playground and practice for a lot of frontend stuff I don't tend to use on my existing sites, and that go a bit against the grain of the typical retro looking web revival pages and its dislike of things that are not supported in older browsers. I will try to build something a bit more commercialized - not because I plan on monetizing anything, but to practice how it is to create a site not only for me, but mainly for an audience with what is expected nowadays for that - JavaScript, fancy libraries, animations etc. and hopefully, near perfect mobile optimization and accessibility. It will be a learning opportunity and somewhat of a portfolio piece.

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2023 @782.89 »

I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but my main site has mostly been at a standstill for 2023, aside from a few additions as cosmetic tweaks, it is largely unchanged from this time last year; that happens and it's not unexpected cus 2021 and 22 saw vast changes on the site over and over.

That is mostly down to having run out of material (for the time being) and having a huge backlog of other projects including this forum that took up months this year. I even had the terrible experience of seeing someone include my site on a list called "classics of neocities".. like ok I'm not in the retirement home yet  :drat:

I think I could spend most of 2024 just finishing backlog projects from this year, but I do have a few specifics I wanna add to my home site!
  • Photo albums with highlight pictures from the last 10 years
  • Expand the point n click story on my main page
  • A dedicated page for early melon info (Aka my 2006 Project Melon stuff)
  • A new section for home movies
  • A section for inspiration/idea material I collect
  • A shrine dedicated to the 2008 iPhone Orcerina app
  • An archive of public domain scans (may become a separate site)
  • Some new blog entries I'm half done writing!

Professional site:
  • I'm gonna add a whole big new list of projects and sites that's easier to navigate

Non-homepage projects in the works for late 23/2024
  • More improvements to PixelSea (Prob coming very soon)
  • A new software! (Coming this month)
  • A surf mode for the surf club
  • A new site for providing starter templates
  • A new zine!
  • A small selection of handmade collectable models and e-models as well as a site to house them!
  • A narrative-centric adventure game made in Godot featuring Ozwompish things
  • Some expanded 3D animations based on drafts I did this summer
  • Prob some arty stuff like prints I can put in a show etc
  • More??

Thats all I can think of right now! Ill update if I think of more!

everything lost will be recovered, when you drift into the arms of the undiscovered
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2023 @121.12 »

what do you think will happen to your website(s) next year? Anything you're waiting to tackle? Anything you're starting or ending next year that will probably affect how you work on your website or what you add to it?
Maybe you'll have less time, more time?
I hope that I have more time... Which is kind of selfish considering I have all the time in the world :D But I mean brain time. I want to make more room for web crafting. I haven't done it in a while due to focusing on other projects, and the fact that the start of November signals my OFF period usually LOL. There's just something so relaxing about the end of the year that I just don't wanna do anything...

But ideally, I'd like to get all my pages done. I'm just being lazy. I restarted, bought a domain and moved my site off neocities. Made the splash screen, homepage, and about... And that's it! I need more pages! I want to truly carve my own space, and to not try to fit in.

I'm wishing you luck with your coming changes <3
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« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2023 @138.39 »

Since I don't have any big ideas or motivation for new content at the moment, I think my next project will be to make my website mobile-friendly and add some accessibility features like gif pausing. I'm still early in my coding journey so I think an added bonus of taking on these tasks is that I'll learn a lot from them.

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« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2023 @457.95 »

I will certainly have less time to update my main site the following year, although it is all up to whether I make new art or not. This site is about my art, so if I don't make anything special I want to display online, there won't be any new changes. I am unsure whether there will be any other kind of updates. I'll see!

There's also another site I've been working on since last year but it doesn't seem like it's going to get released any time soon... or even at all. :ok: Nonetheless, I work on it at my own pace.

I reckon 2024 will be kind of similar to the current year for my sites. A bit sluggish without many groundbreaking updates, that is, unless some muse decides to bless me out of the blue. :innocent:

Daryl Sun
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« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2023 @571.49 »

But what do you think will happen to your website(s) next year? Anything you're waiting to tackle? Anything you're starting or ending next year that will probably affect how you work on your website or what you add to it?
Maybe you'll have less time, more time?

I think I might have less time for webcrafting next year, depending on whatever projects I'll have to tackle at work. However, I still have plenty of ideas for my blog: I want to add more fun pages, like a digital garden or fan shrines! So I plan to manage my free time wisely.

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« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2023 @650.81 »

A lot of this year was dedicated to fleshing out my personal site and getting my art site just barely functional. I'll probably switch next year, prioritizing making OC profiles for my art site and giving my personal site smaller updates when I can. I've also been thinking about changing my art username, but I'm notoriously bad with coming up with usernames, and I've kept the current one for a while. Who knows.


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« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2023 @576.50 »

I finally got my main site to where I'm mostly happy with it (there are a few pages that need finished, but nothing major) so I think I'd like to spend 2024 getting my shrine pages finished. They had started out as simple little fanpages, but have quickly grown to the point of being basically mini-websites of their own. One of them is getting big enough I'm tempted to just make it its own site at this point. The problem is that they're all only about half done, and a few just have the basic structure for the pages but without any content on them yet. They take so much research and writing and are just overall very time-consuming, so I've admittedly been procrastinating getting them done. This next year I'd like to focus mainly on that. Hopefully by the end of the year I'll have it finished and be ready to move onto a new project for my site! :)
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« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2023 @812.21 »

I mainly built my website to be used as a portfolio to showcase my illustrations, comics, and other art projects, but there's still some extra stuff I wanted to incorporate into it eventually, not sure what yet. Maybe little shrines or collections pages, just something fun and decorative.

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« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2023 @788.13 »

[WHOOPS, It seems like I first posted this under the wrong topic. That teaches me not to leave more tabs open  :drat: ]

I'm finally at a point where I'm satisfied with my website layout! Hooray! It took me about three months to lay out the base and understand how to make everything organized and sustainable to me, but now I'm ready to fill the pages! Ehehe  :evil:

So for next year the plan is
  • Figuring how to balance my sketch dump posts (casual posts where I put random sketches, mostly in chronological order, to keep in mind my progress + the tools I used + some thoughts about my web crafting journey in general) and my gallery, where I'd like to showcase more curated pieces.
  • Expand my gallery. A LOT.
  • Write some posts about my drawing progress. The first will probably be posted at the end of this year. I plan to do a retrospective of the beginning of my "artistic" journey.
  • Learn how to take decent photos of my drawings. (mission: impossible)
  • Add a section to my links page where I post all my favourite Eurovision songs... yes.... my holy grail...
  • Washi tapes collection page!

Not strictly web-crafting related goals, but it will have an impact on my website:
  • try out pixel art
  • learn how to draw landscapes and trees (I just want to draw landscapes, man...)
  • go around and do some urban sketching
  • learn basic JavaScript

My overall goal is: update my site less frequently, but update it with way more drawings.
That was my aim since the beginning!

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« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2023 @837.72 »

I intend to completely redesign my website from the ground up because its extremely inefficient and an all around pain in the ass to work with right now. So, hopefully I'll actually get that done at some point next year. I've also been thinking about repurposing the website in its current state as a gemini capsule, so there's that too.

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« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2023 @873.46 »

Oh man, what will the new year hold... lots hopefully!
I've still got LOTS of ideas on the (literal) cork-board, I'm hoping to get them all done!
I've been working through a site revamp atm too, so hopefully I'll be able to finish that AND get some new pages up and running...
365 days to do that is pretty generous so I think I could do it!  :ozwomp:

The only major roadblock is that I'm starting a job very soon so,,, won't have ALL the time in the world unfortunately...
But I think I can make do, and infact that'll probably give me more motivation more than anything  :ok:

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« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2024 @158.44 »

So far, I think a lot of my site has been adding new pages and sections, so in 2024 I'd like to revamp what I already have and flesh out my already existing pages and sections. For one, a lot of this stuff has been the same or mostly the same since the beginning of my site, so I think it only makes sense that I go through and see if I want to redo some existing pages—the first big one I'm thinking of is my iPod page. Perhaps I could redo it in the style of a webshrine rather than just a purely information collection page? Shrines are the main way I want my site to grow this year, since I feel like there's a good few things I enjoy I could make into pages. I also want to write some more personal essays or poems or whatnot and post them to my site—I think I could put a whole bunch of cool stuff on my writing page! But I think I'm moreso going to be curating my existing pages rather than accumulating in this new year. (Is February too late to make site-building New Year's resolutions?)

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« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2024 @491.24 »

I've fixed up my website quite since 2024 started, most importantly i started using bashblog as my means of posting to the website, as for my plans for the future, i would really love to port my current website to the gemini and gopher protocols (bashblog already posts my writings to my gopher and gemini
directories so no need to worry about those). other than that i've had ideas of a general gallery where i post whatever seems fitting for my website, but nothing concrete yet.

I have no idea what I’m doing.
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« Reply #14 on: February 29, 2024 @847.51 »

My site will be one-year-old in April 2024. I have a long history about blogs and websites. For many years I tried a ton of things, Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, Write.as, etc. If it exists, I probably tried something.

The issue is that I always tried to be marketable, easy to share. I wanted likes, reblogs or whatever. I felt like I needed to be recognized and admired to be valuable. But I always, always gave up after 4 to 6 months. Posted a ton over the course of a few months and then it died, like always.

I often felt bad and frustrated. Then I discovered MelonLand and through MelonLand, NeoCities. I thought for a while about starting something but hesitated a lot since I had to build everything from scratch and I knew barely anything about HTML and CSS. Then I stumbled upon SadGrl's blog with her free templates and decided that I'd give it a try. The biggest fear was about the content. I didn't knew what to do and how but I started.

Now it"s been more than 9 months and I'm still spectacularly productive but most importantly : I'm having fun. NeoCities allow me to do whatever I want with my blog. I can round the corners, put pixel art mouse icons, use eyestrain colors and it will work. It helped me to think about the "why" I was trying to make a website/blog in the first place and being free from social media, likes, shares, etc is really sweet. I hope it will stay for a long time, I want the blog to grow wild like an untamed forest full of things I like. I'm curious to see where I'll be in one year but it sounds promising and I don't want to give up anytime soon.

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