for the past few years now, i just bake something for my loved ones instead of buying them something. i'm going to be making two different banana puddings (one with meringue and one without) in a couple days, but in the past i have made creme de menthe and pecan pies among other things.
i do buy stuff for friends and loved ones who aren't local. like this year i bought my partner some stuff online since we won't be together for the holidays. and a lot of my friends play games online so they'll be getting stuff from their steam wishlists.
i will also be buying some treats for my pets!
as for what i'm hoping for: nothing. if i want something i usually just buy it for myself when i can. i already got two gifts early: $150 gift card to target and some skincare and makeup. if i had to guess, i'll probably be gifted some chocolates, dvds, steam currency, and lego. that's usually the type of stuff i get gifted from my family. i'm also getting gifted a pizza from a local place tomorrow. i always heard growing up from the adults in my family to just gift them things that they need anyway, and i agree with that. one year, my groceries were paid for the month and that was so nice!
i don't really like this time of year for numerous reasons: if it was up to me i just wouldn't do xmas. but i feel like an ass being gifted something and not having something for them in return. so that's why i do the baking cause at least it's homemade and won't be wasting money or food.