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Author Topic: What are your website/internet plans for 2024?  (Read 2985 times)
Jr. Member ⚓︎

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« on: December 28, 2023 @796.78 »

*looks at calendar*

Oh wow! 2023 is almost over!  :omg:

Did that feel kinda fast for anyone else?

Anyways, ig its time to start making plans for the new year coming up! I'm not one to hold myself to any resolution but I still enjoy coming up with little goals and new ideas for the year. So, whats everyone plan for their website in 2024? What new stuff do you wanna try out on the internet?

I think for my site I don't just want to get better at coding but also helping others learn html. I've begun helping one friend make their own site and its been a very slow (yet fun) process because we are both beginners. Also I want to get better at writing for the reviews I post!

As for my goals on the internet...

I think I want to become better at identifying and avoiding stuff made by AI. Which is not a goal I thought I would ever have to make, but ig this is the future!  :ohdear:

Besides the AI though I actually feel quite optimistic about 2024 on the internet  :ha: More and more people are getting fed up with social media and might start looking for alternatives.... another reason I really need to learn how to teach others html >:D


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« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2023 @968.61 »

This year felt really short up until september-november (but that was because Social issues  :drat: ) but i feel like every year feels short now after the disaster that was 2020.
either way, i have big website plans now that I have a decent grasp on CSS/HTML. At some point next year I want to try a little bit of javascript, but that's not really a priority.
Right now, my main goal is to figure out how to host a radio channel/live radio sort of thing on my website. I'm really passionate about music, and i've already made a page for the stuff I want to play/other online radio sites.
A second but similarly important goal is that i want to make a proper fansite for Plastic Tree and find people to help me run it. It's really sad doing research on the band when most of the fansites have closed down due to inactivity. I know that there are still fans out there, but most of the fans that are also webmasters have gone radio silent. I want to change that, by archiving a bunch of the fansites i've previously collected. There's so much information that has been lost to time and the closure of domains, and i want to give pura fans that are interested in the small web a consistent resource.
sorry for the ramble i'm just very passionate abt this  :ziped:  :ziped:

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« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2023 @61.85 »

for my site, in no particular order:

- done! host my site on a raspberry pi
- done! change domains
- not going to do refactor all of my site's content onto one page
- done! in a roundabout way ;) develop my own web server with custom blocking rules
- no longer using justtext update the content on my justtext (alternative to HTML) site
- add /actually lightweight, cheap, and low-effort/ recipes to my site that are conscientious of natural flavors and utilize respectful foraging. looking at you: jamie oliver

for generic internet stuff, in no particular order:

- done! restrict my internet usage to 50MB per month
- impossible :( find some way to tether my mobile data to my PC
- wire and start using an LCD character display instead of an HDMI monitor
- done! delete my password manager for once!
- done! delete my accounts on sites i don't actually use
« Last Edit: June 26, 2024 @810.96 by j » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2023 @159.75 »

For my site:

- I want to actually make a blog for my site
- Maybe make my own original layout on neocities?
- Make the proper graphics for my headers
- Turn that other site I had and make it into an art gallery

Other goals include just not using tumblr in general. I always say I hate that site but I cant stop using it :drat:

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« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2023 @213.63 »

Quit my only social media (which I plan to do on new years, wish me luck), and I have a more general goal of adding more interactive elements to my website. I want to learn how to make things in Twine, as well. I want to eventually learn more game-making stuff in general but that's less of a "2024 goal" and more of a general, eventual one.

I don't have any especially huge projects cooking up yet, but we'll see what the future holds!

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« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2023 @875.67 »

For general internet, I know I want to reduce the time spent on social media apps. Moreso for my time and mental health than overall privacy concerns.

For my site, I have an ongoing list. I know in the first few months of 2023 I'd like to move the peach ring to a seperate github page instead of putting it on my neocities, plus remake my homepage for better accessibility.

For my education, I plan on taking the two web design classes offered by my local community college and complete the frontend courses offered by freeCodeCamp. I hope that by the end of the year I would have done enough things I'm happy with to make my first professional portfolio.  :happy:

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« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2023 @13.03 »

this is a great question! love seeing what folks are planning to do. some of you have inspired me. :)

i have a few things on my to-do list, but here are the big things i want to do in 2024:

  • make a page dedicated to papermaking and paper i've made
  • catalogue my books into a digital library
  • continue adding infrastructure to marigold.town
  • finish my low-tech web project with my raspberry pi
  • finish my choose-your-own-adventure story
  • create at least 5 free layouts for others
  • start a microblog
  • start my essay collection about all topics (right now, i just write about travel)
Newbie ⚓︎


StatusCafe: leviathren

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« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2023 @435.15 »

I love seeing what other people are working on for their sites. I don't know where I'll take my site next year, but some generic things I want to do in 2024 are:

  • write more for my blog
  • create some free site layouts and simple css guides
  • make my site more intuitive for visitors (I feel like it's messy rn)
  • write descriptions for button wall hover text

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« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2024 @984.49 »

I have a lot of goals for 2024!  :cool:

My biggest one is staying off of social media sites. I did pretty well with this in 2022/2023, but want to go even further this year. The site I struggle with the most is Instagram. I have a photography hobby, and it's sad to say but I often struggle with the motivation to take photos if I know i'm not going to post them anywhere. It's not even really for the validation or "likes," it's just that without sharing the photos somewhere they just sit on a hard drive. It is fun to go back and look at them, but I only do that a couple of times a year. I've experimented with flickr and posting them on are.na but I still haven't found a good solution. So, something I'm trying in 2024 is taking photos specifically for my daily journal and doing quarterly social media updates. Basically, post on social media 4 times a year almost as a "newsletter" bulletin, with 5-10 photos and a short description of each.

I plan on shifting a lot of my work towards my older computers. I have a 2022 laptop, a 2010 laptop, and a 2002 CRT setup. Currently, I use my 2022 laptop for everything, and only use my other computers for niche things or for novelty. I'm trying to switch this around, so that most of my work (which is mainly writing, taking notes on things, or reading pdfs) is done on my 2002 setup, general browsing the web/forums is done on my 2010 laptop, and I only use my 2022 laptop when necessary. It's easier said than done, but i'm trying to make this a reality.

Along the same vein, I'm trying to limit my smartphone use as much as possible with the goal of getting a flipphone this summer. This means, with a few exceptions, relying on my CDs for music, my DVD/VHS for media consumption, and otherwise finding real-world counterparts for apps (like a notepad instead of my to-do list app). I grew up in the 90s, so I vividly remember a time before everyone carried smartphones with them 24/7. I'm trying to live my life a bit more like that.

I have a couple of straightforward goals as well.  :pc:

Less computer use in my bedroom. I'm tired of just sitting in bed for hours on my laptop doing nothing. From now on, the majority of my computer use will happen in my office, which is where I will store my laptops as well.

Continue working on my personal website and start blogging regularly. I'm going to blog at least once every 2 weeks.

Stop lurking on forums and actually post more.

Spend at least 30 minutes a day outside.

Find a non-technology related hobby.

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« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2024 @26.69 »

2023 was so fast in retrospect but so slow in the moment. Eh, that's time.

This year, I hope to finish up my degree and move in with my fiance. For my site, I hope to get a Spanish translation set and ready by the end of 2024! Also gonna hopefully interview Greg Baldwin at MomoCon for the site's interview archive.

General internet/tech to-do list: get bluesky, delete twitter, continue archiving stuff I love, unsubscribe from so many email ads, and have fun as per usual.

Tiny Roman Appreciator

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« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2024 @94.11 »

First of all, I have... so much to do on my art site. I need to get a bunch of OC profiles done, and then I'll probably need to draw little icons for each of them. I have the profile template down and two characters already up, so at least I'm not doing in totally blind. Then I might work on lore pages for them, but I'm horrible with actually setting plotlines in stone, so who knows how that'll turn out.
I also want to put myself out there on forums more. It's a little tough to find them, but it'll help me to get off social media.
I've come to a bit of a standstill when it comes to my personal site, honestly... I'll think of something big & flashy to work on eventually.

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« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2024 @111.42 »

I want to corner the online market. hypnotize people to buy what i’m selling. make them fall in love with my art. start an enterprise from the ground up. have complete control of my own destiny. crowdsource my happiness. kill the virus in my brain that thinks “maybe not ?”

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« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2024 @156.92 »

My goal is to not use stuff like Youtube Shorts anymore and use more FOSSy stuff

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« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2024 @379.62 »

My main goals are mostly to use my neocities more and hang out in web revival spaces more! My neocities was up for a while before i actually started using it, and hanging out here has certainly made me want to use it more after seeing the things other people are doing with their sites!

I also hope that starting my virtual pet blogging series helps me use my site's dreamwidth blog more often!

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StatusCafe: blazingcobaltx

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« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2024 @514.88 »

Website plans:
  • Finish my two other planned shrines
  • Figure out a way to display my writings (journal/blog/fiction) in way that is both intuitive to readers and inspires me to write more instead of less
  • Make a website button
  • Maaaybe redesign my site from scratch

General internet:
  • Build a different relationship with the social media I have no choice but to use (i.e. Instagram for community news)
  • More mindfulness and less dependence on media to fill the quiet moments
  • Convince at least one person to also build a website
  • Continue the EXID masterlist
  • Move away from Google services as much as possible
« Last Edit: January 02, 2024 @543.53 by BlazingCobaltX » Logged
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