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Author Topic: Yu-Gi-Oh!  (Read 1019 times)
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« on: April 30, 2024 @161.69 »

hi there!
not sure how long of a shot this is but i would love to see if anyone out there is still playing Yu-Gi-Oh!

personally i'm mostly into the tcg. nothing beats sitting down and physically playing with actual cards to me. i have 3 decks that i'm working on tcg wise:
  • Adamancipator-Superheavy Samurai (no longer tournament legal, rip Baronne de Fleur, forever the queen of my heart)
  • Traptrix
  • Branded/Bystial/Despia/Dogmatika

i'm also really interested in hearing about if anyone is playing Master Duel or even Duel Links! i currently play Master Duel and i run this funky little Branded-Dragonmaids deck (: i haven't played Duel Links in a long time but when i did play, i played a Melodious deck.

also if you play on a simulator like EDOPro!

or, last but not least, maybe you're playing an older Yu-Gi-Oh! game for like the DS or something, i wanna hear about that too! i don't know much about em but i'm dreadfully interested to learn if you have things to share!

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Suck At Something September - Did It!First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2024 @415.45 »

Every once in a while I boot up Stairway to the Destined Duel for GBA and play some matches. I used to play this as a kid and something about the vibe of going around the city gathering points stuck with me. And with all the later additions to the TCG, the GBA version is one of the last versions of the meta that I recognise. :ok:

Last time I tried to get into the newer meta they implemented Master Rule 4, after which I just gave up. I still have my one deck from that time, which is an Elemental Hero/Fusion deck built by someone else for me.

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First 1000 Members!Cool Dude AwardJoined 2023!
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2024 @578.04 »

Every once in a while I boot up Stairway to the Destined Duel for GBA and play some matches. I used to play this as a kid and something about the vibe of going around the city gathering points stuck with me. And with all the later additions to the TCG, the GBA version is one of the last versions of the meta that I recognise. :ok:

Last time I tried to get into the newer meta they implemented Master Rule 4, after which I just gave up. I still have my one deck from that time, which is an Elemental Hero/Fusion deck built by someone else for me.

i believe destined duel would be somewhere around goat format which is still played in the paper tcg although most people consider it a "solved" format because everyone knows what to play to win and the like. which tbh i think detracts from the spirit of card games a bit cuz who cares if you know that x deck will win if you're both just having fun, ykno? i've never watched anyone play this game (my only way of interacting with ygo games outside of master duel up till now) but that sounds so cute - traveling through the city to collect points and such!

a lot of people seem to have left the paper tcg around when link summoning got more formalized (Master Rule 4) so i'm not super surprised to hear that. heroes were super popular 0: do you remember liking the deck? my adam-shs deck was built by a friend of mine and i really love it! they also built me my Branded/Bystial/Despia/Dogmatika deck. i built my own traptrix deck with their approval LOL

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« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2024 @637.52 »

I love Yu-Gi-Oh! I still play Master Duel every once in a while when I'm really feeling it. My only issue is most of the new mechanics are really over my head (XYZ, Link and Pendulum mostly). I just run simple decks like Blue-Eyes and Dragonmaid that aren't as complex.

Also I recommend Duelist of The Roses on PS2, probably my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh video game, it's chess meets the tcg. Really fun stuff.

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First 1000 Members!Cool Dude AwardJoined 2023!
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2024 @820.60 »

I love Yu-Gi-Oh! I still play Master Duel every once in a while when I'm really feeling it. My only issue is most of the new mechanics are really over my head (XYZ, Link and Pendulum mostly). I just run simple decks like Blue-Eyes and Dragonmaid that aren't as complex.

Also I recommend Duelist of The Roses on PS2, probably my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh video game, it's chess meets the tcg. Really fun stuff.

YEAHHHHH!! i love dragonmaids, i dont care if they aren't meta, they're fun as hell. i think the new summoning methods can definitely be hard to grasp (i especially don't like how master duel teaches them to people /: ) but once you got it, they're super easy. i think the order you listed them in is the order i'd list them in in terms of which is the easiest to learn first to the hardest. basically no one but me likes pendulum summoning LOL

ooooh i'll have to check it out  :eyes:  :eyes:

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Suck At Something September - Did It!First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2024 @954.29 »

i believe destined duel would be somewhere around goat format which is still played in the paper tcg although most people consider it a "solved" format because everyone knows what to play to win and the like. which tbh i think detracts from the spirit of card games a bit cuz who cares if you know that x deck will win if you're both just having fun, ykno? i've never watched anyone play this game (my only way of interacting with ygo games outside of master duel up till now) but that sounds so cute - traveling through the city to collect points and such!

a lot of people seem to have left the paper tcg around when link summoning got more formalized (Master Rule 4) so i'm not super surprised to hear that. heroes were super popular 0: do you remember liking the deck? my adam-shs deck was built by a friend of mine and i really love it! they also built me my Branded/Bystial/Despia/Dogmatika deck. i built my own traptrix deck with their approval LOL

I unfortunately didn't get to play with this new deck a lot, maybe twice, so I never really got a feel for it. It's a remix of my original Jaden Yuki starter deck which I had already rebuilt into a Warrior-type deck. My own Warrior deck I liked a lot, I had just the right combination of cards to make certain situations work without having to rely on extremely gimmicky things. Polymerization was hard to get so I never invested in getting all the EH fusions myself, but for some reason this guy that built my deck just gave me a ton of his cards for free. Like, all the cards I wanted to have as a kid.

Destined Duel works for me because I understand the meta well, even if it is not the final version that I played of it IRL. I wanted to try one of the GX-era games sometime just to see up until what point I can make sense of the rules, and maybe move onto that game instead.

« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2024 @812.30 »

Current Edopro works on Windows XP. What a well made dueling simulator. Makes this expensive card game completly free to play! A little too many competitive players with "the perfect deck"(tm) on the casual server in my opinion, but many of them respect "No Meta" in the server description.

Although nothing beats playing on a proper table (or on the floor...) face-to-face. Yu-Gi-Oh with all those face-down cards really allows for some poker face and mind games. And the anime perfectly underlines these things.

I think the 2005 Goat Format should get their banlist altered, if the format looks too stable. "Delinquent Duo" (throws two opponents hand cards away) would be such a candidate to remove from the game. Denying the opponent a proper starting hand is no fine play at all. Let me damm play my cards!

@BlazingCobalt: Maybe give Tag Force on the PS2 a try. That game highlights a pretty interesting duel mode, 2 vs 2 team battle. And Tag Force has all your heroes from GX. Although I must say, after playing with people over Edopro, the old games aren't as much fun. The AI is just too simple for this great complex card game.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2024 @814.20 by Gans » Logged
Jr. Member ⚓︎

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First 1000 Members!Cool Dude AwardJoined 2023!
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2024 @293.81 »

Current Edopro works on Windows XP. What a well made dueling simulator. Makes this expensive card game completly free to play! A little too many competitive players with "the perfect deck"(tm) on the casual server in my opinion, but many of them respect "No Meta" in the server description.

Although nothing beats playing on a proper table (or on the floor...) face-to-face. Yu-Gi-Oh with all those face-down cards really allows for some poker face and mind games. And the anime perfectly underlines these things.

I think the 2005 Goat Format should get their banlist altered, if the format looks too stable. "Delinquent Duo" (throws two opponents hand cards away) would be such a candidate to remove from the game. Denying the opponent a proper starting hand is no fine play at all. Let me damm play my cards!

@BlazingCobalt: Maybe give Tag Force on the PS2 a try. That game highlights a pretty interesting duel mode, 2 vs 2 team battle. And Tag Force has all your heroes from GX. Although I must say, after playing with people over Edopro, the old games aren't as much fun. The AI is just too simple for this great complex card game.

GOD. felt on "this expensive card game". the deck i wanna build uses sp little knight which is a $100+ card  :notgood: that's why i love edopro so much because i can just test whatever and play whatever and then i know if i wanna shell out for a deck.

im excited to start going to my locals but im worried i wont make friends because im very anal about cleanliness and the shop that hosts my locals is always getting on the ygo community at the shop for not being clean and i cannot find it in myself to not mention that when i see it. im really looking forward to getting more experience though because right now it's just me and my roommate's 2 decks (crystal beasts and ojamas) and im getting so bored of playing crystal beasts and ojamas lol

i agree on the banlist wholeheartedly since the most consistent "complaint" i see stated about goat is as i mentioned that it's a "solved" format and im like. okay then spice it up a little with a new (official) banlist (please, konami) or house bans/limits. if you like goat then make it work for you and whoever you're playing it with imo unless it's an event ofc, but there's none of those near me so i can't speak on that.

i gotta also look into tag force  :eyes:

the holy inquisition finds you guilty of heresy and you and your descendants must be cleansed in blood
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2024 @471.26 »

On my last official competition many years ago, I decided to give all my cards away (except two decks). So before the first game would be drawn, I put my box containing probably a thousand cards on the table and said:

"Free cards! I want to give those cards away for free."

Once the first player got a chunk of cards in his hands to look through, the scene accelerated rapidly. Like vultures, the other players got out of control, scattering around me hectically to get a nice catch for themselves.

The rest got donated to the last-placed player (who didn't bail out before the last match). Well, second-to-last in fact, as I occupied last place myself with a deck that was 5 years out of date. "Mechanical Chaser", you did well nontheless...

Seeing the pro players was enlighting... they made Yu-Gi-Oh look like a casino machine and far from an enjoyable tactics game. How much money did they spent on their decks, that were about to lose there on the table by the luck of the next card draw? There is a level where playing those games it's not sane anymore and it becomes a gambling addiction I think.
Heartbreaking to see that side of my game, that I still love to play. But yeah, the demons are out there to open up the shadow realm.

Fortuneatly 99% of the cards cost only 2 Cents and make Yu-Gi-Oh really affordable on a low level for some house duelling.
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