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Author Topic: weird little guy incoming  (Read 402 times)
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« on: July 18, 2024 @906.19 »

hi!! i am the aforementioned weird little guy :ha: i'm liu (he/him please!) and i'm 23. i've been exploring around the ethernet for all sorts of spots to hang out and meet new people that aren't quite as stifling as the average social media nowadays. so far i've made myself at home in a few different places, like cohost, spacehey, pillowfort, places like that... but i really miss the forum boards like this that used to be everywhere!

i'm still really new to making websites and coding, all that stuff, but i am Trying :ohdear: eventually i just wanna make something that looks really "me" overall. i'm getting there... slowly! very very slowly.
generally, i like digital drawing (and occasionally goofing off in blender), taking naps, old MMO's, old consumer robots (think furbies, i-cybies, aibos... little guys like that!) and being silly with my boyfriend and our three cats.
and i know way more about spiders than i know what to do with and trust them far more than most would. just last night as i was trying to fall asleep, i opened my eyes to see a spider very gently step a foot on my cheek, realise that i am, in fact, a human being, and promptly scurry off. it felt very goofy to be half-asleep and get tenderly poked in the face by a spider, but the little guy meant no harm and seemingly learned their lesson (lesson being: beds have people in them), so once they left posthaste to be on the window curtain by my bed, i just accepted it and went back to sleep. it was an eastern parson spider, if you're wondering! :ok:

i'm kinda awkward all-in-all (it's the autism swag, as it were) so i might ramble or be a bit bad at talking, but i'd still very much like to make some friends on here!! it's very nice to be here :4u:
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« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2024 @910.02 »

I had a Furby as a kid. It was advertised back than as a machine that could learn how to speak; I gave up on teaching him pretty quick ;).

and i know way more about spiders than i know what to do with and trust them far more than most would. just last night as i was trying to fall asleep, i opened my eyes to see a spider very gently step a foot on my cheek, realise that i am, in fact, a human being, and promptly scurry off. it felt very goofy to be half-asleep and get tenderly poked in the face by a spider, but the little guy meant no harm and seemingly learned their lesson (lesson being: beds have people in them), so once they left posthaste to be on the window curtain by my bed, i just accepted it and went back to sleep. it was an eastern parson spider, if you're wondering! :ok:

I'm also friendly with our spiders :). Lately, our flat is invaded by centipedes; they don't fright me, but I feel a bit sorry for our spiders  :omg:

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« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2024 @923.74 »

I had a Furby as a kid. It was advertised back than as a machine that could learn how to speak; I gave up on teaching him pretty quick ;).

the fun thing about that is that they don't actually really learn to speak in a traditional sense of having to teach them, they were programmed to just... slowly use more human language instead of furbish :ok: you could say absolutely nothing to them and they'd still just go by their timer and miraculously "learn" to speak xD i never had one when i was a kid, but i imagine the lack of any progress or explanation of how it actually works would make me give up too :drat:

centipedes rule! hopefully the spiders and centipedes learn to work with each other and they could live in some beautiful, buggy harmony... :grin:
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Thanks for being rad!First 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2024 @989.84 »

the fun thing about that is that they don't actually really learn to speak in a traditional sense of having to teach them, they were programmed to just... slowly use more human language instead of furbish :ok: you could say absolutely nothing to them and they'd still just go by their timer and miraculously "learn" to speak xD i never had one when i was a kid, but i imagine the lack of any progress or explanation of how it actually works would make me give up too :drat:

I always suspected it! Thanks for confirming it after all those years  :grin:

centipedes rule! hopefully the spiders and centipedes learn to work with each other and they could live in some beautiful, buggy harmony... :grin:

I didn't see any open conflicts up until now, only read that they don't come along :3. Maybe the news are, as often, overly pessimistic also in regard to the centipede/spider relation?

Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2024 @15.32 »

Hi liu! My name is BitterGoblin! You sound really cool to me!

You mentioned you have three cats! What are their names? :) I love that you love spiders too - this is an important trait/quality in another entity, something I use to quantify if someone is a good person or not is whether they're good to invertebrates, especially our little spider friends.

You mentioned the species of said spider, this indicates to me you are (potentially) in North America! That's cool!

I am also very awkward and find it insanely hard to talk to people - I feel like once someone gets to know me beyond casual/shallow/brief interactions it's game over lol.

Anyways I hope you enjoy your stay here at the Melon Land Forum. I like it here... though imposter syndrome means I don't get as involved as I'd like to and when I do I regret it cos anxiety.  :ozwomp:  :ozwomp:  :ozwomp:


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« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2024 @142.67 »

You mentioned you have three cats! What are their names? :)

since you also like bugs and other such critters, i think you'll appreciate their names very much– our oldest is dragonfly, and our two relatively new arrivals are orbweaver and sven! sven is orb's son, and his name is the outlier partially because my boyfriend chose the name, and partially as a shortened version of the original moniker "seven"... he's a polydactyl with 7 toes on the front (and 6 on the back, to be fair!), and his tail is crooked at the end, so it also looks like a little number 7!

we hadn't planned to stick to the bug theming of dragonfly's name, but our first encounters with orbweaver were her as a very feral, very pregnant little cat in our neighbourhood. at that point we had just referred to her as "ms. orb" whenever we saw her around. because she looked downright spherical :ok: she would always run from us if we got near, and we didn't think we made much of an impression on her, but when she had her kittens a few months back, she did so right on our porch! she did still hiss a lot though... i think she can sense i'm slandering her a bit because she's made her way onto my lap to cuddle up with me xD

i could talk about our kitties for hours :grin: and i'm sure i probably will find a place to dump all of my love for them out on these forums somewhere lol; it's kinda hard not to just go on a big (positive) rant about how cute and silly they all are!! :loved:

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Thanks for being rad!the one and only paprika!Giver of Many Welcomes!Joined 2024!
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2024 @776.78 »

Welcome to da Melonland Forum ! I love your blog theme ! That perfect tone of colors between blue, red and purple ! most exquisite !

Misanthropic Monster™
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uh oh! a pigeon got in!beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!bugpostingJoined 2024!
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2024 @903.04 »

since you also like bugs and other such critters, i think you'll appreciate their names very much– our oldest is dragonfly, and our two relatively new arrivals are orbweaver and sven! sven is orb's son, and his name is the outlier partially because my boyfriend chose the name, and partially as a shortened version of the original moniker "seven"... he's a polydactyl with 7 toes on the front (and 6 on the back, to be fair!), and his tail is crooked at the end, so it also looks like a little number 7!

we hadn't planned to stick to the bug theming of dragonfly's name, but our first encounters with orbweaver were her as a very feral, very pregnant little cat in our neighbourhood. at that point we had just referred to her as "ms. orb" whenever we saw her around. because she looked downright spherical :ok: she would always run from us if we got near, and we didn't think we made much of an impression on her, but when she had her kittens a few months back, she did so right on our porch! she did still hiss a lot though... i think she can sense i'm slandering her a bit because she's made her way onto my lap to cuddle up with me xD

i could talk about our kitties for hours :grin: and i'm sure i probably will find a place to dump all of my love for them out on these forums somewhere lol; it's kinda hard not to just go on a big (positive) rant about how cute and silly they all are!! :loved:

You are so right, I love their names! I love Sven's name too, because of his little crooked tail that looks like a seven, that made my eyes water - too cute honestly.

Orbweaver sounds particularly precious  :transport:  :transport:  :transport: I would encourage you to share photos of them at some point because I can't get enough of people's pets - especially kitties!!!!


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Purple Butterfly - to match your purple avatar!Joined 2024!
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2024 @67.25 »

no worries about the awkwardness!! I relate to that heavily asljdkbfasdf, good to have you here though!

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your local strange vocathing! ^_^

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Sun BeamedJoined 2024!
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2024 @637.20 »

ouuu hello there .... my name is noonbeam and you seem very cool ^_^


noonbeam || gif by me :3
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