The toaster, has been toasted!
We found the lost windows 7/vista toaster icon! which means we don't need this forum thread anymore. Downloads are on the bottom of this thread!! It'll be here forever, for postery!! I will lock this forum soon, so if you have any questions about this toaster icon for whatever reason, let me know!!
Mysteries of the Windows Toaster Icon
I know, I know, this seems like a joke, but it's really deep rabbit hole that will never be solved!
Where do I begin with this?
- We all did this scavenger hunt in Voice Chat, FYI
- and... I tried to find this stupid icon in the past, multiple times but still no luck :(
It all started out with a post on superuser named ydaetskcoR who had a really interesting question, "Why does Windows think that my wireless keyboard is a toaster?"
Source:, we thought it was joke, and even laughed at it. However, after scrolling down, we found that there were some legit questions, one that links to a documentation to a Microsoft Documentation page... which I expecting some sort of rickroll, or something... but no.

It was a sample XML for telling Windows information about the device, and lo' and behold, we found that the sample in the XML data had the words Toaster in it.
Ok, it makes sense, The toaster icon was a placeholder, but why would a graphic designer go into so much detail for a simple placeholder? Who made the icon?

But we had no idea where this icon was located at... We tried to extract the DLLs to find the Icons in hopes that we could find it, but still no luck.

We went back to the post and I saw that there were two more links on a reply on this superuser post.

This time, it was on a Microsoft forum post. it seems like someone is confused on why the icon for their keyboard shown in the Device & Printers window, shown as a toaster.
Source: down, we found that the user was using a Acer 0766 which presuming that the keyboard came bundled with the computer itself.
The helper never responded to the reply for some reason, though.
The other link is dead, however its somewhat archived at
Its a snippet of a forum post, the original post seems to be dead.
However, it does give information that the keyboard is a "Fellow's wireless keyboard"
It seems that the toaster icon landed on some brands of keyboards, probably due the manufactures being lazy.
Source:, we got some answers, but where the toaster icon?We don't know.
We also looked closer at the Toaster Icon, and found that there were some shiny text that says... "Fabrikam", keep this "company" name in mind for now.

Now for those who don't know what Fabrikam is, basically it's a fictional company by Microsoft, to be used in examples.
It's shown everywhere in the microsoft learn documentation, Especially the
windows vista demos
Source: are more fictional companies created by Microsoft, like Contoso. They are all listed here: on, We resorted to doing a reverse image search, and found that there were couple more people who has stumbled upon the Toaster icon. Still no icon though...
First one is a post from reddit on r/softwaregore that shows, yet again, a toaster icon. Except we got a higher quality version of it, luckily.
Scrolling down, we found that a redditor posted a link to youtube video of someone playing doom, with toasters. More on that later.

Second one is from the same subreddit.

Source: one, which not might even be their screenshot, but someone reposting "memes" from reddit.

Source: this was a baby step in the right direction, We still couldn't find the icon to this... thing.
Oh, and as for the guy who was playing doom with toasters, lets talk about that.
So, if we were to skip to 1:51, we can see that it that it shows up in the device and printers window.

It may seem real at first glance, but it seems to be fake...
We can take a better look at this if we were to visit the "developers" website over here:
Scroll all the way down, and vola, here it is.

So, why is it fake you may ask?
Lets overlook the fact that there is 3 printers despite Windows saying that there is 4.
Windows by default sorts your drives or files or whatever by A-Z, however if you look closely... the "VEXAL-MACBOOK" And "Toaster" should be swapped.
Also lets mention the fact that windows says there are 4 devices, when very clearly there are 5 devices.

So this video is probably fake- Though that's up to debate whether or not if its real or not.
It is pretty funny to know something like this exists, though.
Does this mean that the icon is fake?With all that being said, these videos doesn't mean that this toaster icon is fake. The videos shown above maybe fake, but the icons aren't. because it is confirmed that the Toaster Icon was only meant to be a placeholder for developers creating their own device to be used in Windows.
Which explains why some users stumble across a toaster icon instead of a keyboard in the device and printers window.
Anyways, some more evidence that the toaster icon **has** exist.
Remember what I said about the toaster icon having the text "Fabrikam" in it?
Well in another microsoft documentation, captured by the wayback machine, we can see that, there is some sample product info about the "toaster"!
And it's apparently a "Toaster Model T1000 Driver", created by Fabrikam.
Which is a Plug And Play Device of some sorts.
but still, had no toaster icon.
At this point, we've hit a full stop, since we were getting tired, we decided to temporarily stop this hunt for a gosh darn toaster icon... for now.
I'll keep you all updated if we find anything new or something.
Toast on.

Many thanks to SKCro for helping me with this search!