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Author Topic: Meowdy o/  (Read 347 times)
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Fountain Pen InterestJoined 2023!
« on: September 07, 2024 @876.82 »

Heya! Hello! I joined last year but was promptly overrun with other things that took over my time and I'm just now getting around to saying hello here, but I know I want to stick around this time. I've been webzone wrangling with my own neocites hosted site since early 2021, and a few other sites as well since then, for myself and others, but my prior experience in html and css was as a kid on Neopets. (a familiar tale I'm sure) 

Presently, I am into basically anything related to making stuff and being creative, it was cosplay for a long time, but now I'm learning 3d modeling (slowly) and I've always been drawing/illustrating since I was just a tiny little creature.  Oh and like for other interests my thing is just being big into listening to music, playing video games (or at least watching other people play them so I have my hands free to make stuff), and I recently got into fountain pens!

Anyway, social media has been a bit rough over the years and trained me to be less social online (hermit like, even) than I'd like but I'm changing that now, so hello everyone! :happy:  :skull:
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Perfect Weather For Some Tea And Making ArtFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2024 @886.42 »

Hi! Your site looks incredible :omg:

I'm totally with you on the whole social media making you withdraw thing, I just deleted all of mine recently and I'm pretty much only reachable via forums and Neocities. I hope to see you around and don't be afraid to show off your art sometime, you have amazing work from what I've seen on your site! ^_^

any/all + ev/eva ae/aer

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Blog Rework Saga FinishedFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2024 @896.94 »

welcome to the forum! i enjoyed looking through your site a lot, the index page is so cool!  :seal:

alsoooo since you mentioned them i must ask... whats your favorite fountain pen you've used? mine has to be (currently) the monteverde regatta sport in orange! although i must admit mine isn't inked at the moment though since i prefer lamy safari for classes.

to begin, we first must see the end.

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wriggling around

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Fountain Pen InterestJoined 2023!
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2024 @991.32 »

welcome to the forum! i enjoyed looking through your site a lot, the index page is so cool!  :seal:

alsoooo since you mentioned them i must ask... whats your favorite fountain pen you've used? mine has to be (currently) the monteverde regatta sport in orange! although i must admit mine isn't inked at the moment though since i prefer lamy safari for classes.

Thank you!! I haven't tried too many pens yet, but I like the Asvine P20's writing feel quite a bit, even if it seems to dry up if I take my eyes off it for more than a day. The lamy safari is a good one, I got one recently to keep de Atramentis Doument Black in, actually!  Hmm... now that I'm thinking about it, making a page for fountain pens on my site might be fun! :omg:

Hi! Your site looks incredible :omg:

I'm totally with you on the whole social media making you withdraw thing, I just deleted all of mine recently and I'm pretty much only reachable via forums and Neocities. I hope to see you around and don't be afraid to show off your art sometime, you have amazing work from what I've seen on your site! ^_^

Thank you so much!  :cheesy:

OH man I'm so jealous! I would love to drop at least some of the social media accounts I have. :omg:
Oh I'll have to do that then, thank you!!
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Blog Rework Saga FinishedFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2024 @7.26 »

Thank you!! I haven't tried too many pens yet, but I like the Asvine P20's writing feel quite a bit, even if it seems to dry up if I take my eyes off it for more than a day. The lamy safari is a good one, I got one recently to keep de Atramentis Doument Black in, actually!  Hmm... now that I'm thinking about it, making a page for fountain pens on my site might be fun! :omg:
i haven't had experience with that pen but after searching it up i do quite like the aesthetics of it!

in regards to the dryness, have you tried storing your pen in a different orientation? i've found that storing pens nib up creates more rough starts than horizontal or nib down. it may also be worth looking into if it's just apart of the characteristics (of your ink of choice for the pen) to be on the dryer side as well. pens not writing when you want them to has to be the most frustrating part of fp ownership, well besides inky fingers!

i also use a de atramentis document ink in one of my safari's too, i use sepia brown. it's one of my favorite inks at the moment besides wearingeul's hamlet.

if you end up making a fountain pen page let me know! i would love to take a peek. i've also wanted to make a pen page, but i've pushed it off for nearly a year now haha.

to begin, we first must see the end.

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Thanks for being rad!the one and only paprika!Giver of Many Welcomes!Joined 2024!
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2024 @810.17 »

Hello and welcome to Melonland Forum !

Very nice website as well, very nice ! I have a fountain pen that I use at work for serious stuff it's nice and people are often surprised since everyone has rolling ink pens. Love the feeling of writing with a fountain pen.

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wriggling around

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Fountain Pen InterestJoined 2023!
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2024 @945.63 »

i haven't had experience with that pen but after searching it up i do quite like the aesthetics of it!

in regards to the dryness, have you tried storing your pen in a different orientation? i've found that storing pens nib up creates more rough starts than horizontal or nib down. it may also be worth looking into if it's just apart of the characteristics (of your ink of choice for the pen) to be on the dryer side as well. pens not writing when you want them to has to be the most frustrating part of fp ownership, well besides inky fingers!

i also use a de atramentis document ink in one of my safari's too, i use sepia brown. it's one of my favorite inks at the moment besides wearingeul's hamlet.

if you end up making a fountain pen page let me know! i would love to take a peek. i've also wanted to make a pen page, but i've pushed it off for nearly a year now haha.

The aesthetics of it are what got me, then the nib was just absolutely perfect for me too, probably not the best pen ever but I like it, lol!

Hmmm I might have to see if storing it tip down does anything for it, as all of mine are stored horizontally already.
Brown inks are so nice! I'd love to at least grab a sample bottle of their sepia some time down the line. :0

I ended up photographing all my pens over the weekend and I have a whisper of a dream of an idea for the page layout but we'll see if that amounts to anything anytime soon, lol!

Hello and welcome to Melonland Forum !

Very nice website as well, very nice ! I have a fountain pen that I use at work for serious stuff it's nice and people are often surprised since everyone has rolling ink pens. Love the feeling of writing with a fountain pen.
Hello and thank you!  :grin:
Honestly I didn't even really consider fountain pens as a writing option until the very beginning this year but they are so nice, the writing experience is so worth it!
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Blog Rework Saga FinishedFirst 1000 Members!Joined 2023!
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2024 @139.94 »

The aesthetics of it are what got me, then the nib was just absolutely perfect for me too, probably not the best pen ever but I like it, lol!

Hmmm I might have to see if storing it tip down does anything for it, as all of mine are stored horizontally already.
Brown inks are so nice! I'd love to at least grab a sample bottle of their sepia some time down the line. :0

I ended up photographing all my pens over the weekend and I have a whisper of a dream of an idea for the page layout but we'll see if that amounts to anything anytime soon, lol!
haha i tend to be like that too with my pen selections. as long as it works for you and you like it, it is the best pen imo.

hopefully nib down helps! if not i'd take the time to play around with different inks or perhaps do a deep clean on the pen to make sure ink is flowing the way it should! this video from the goulet pen company may be helpful as well as they explain how to fix this if it's to do with the pen's nib as well.

and ooo that sounds like fun, somewhat related but for a school project a few years ago i got to take fun photos of all my pens and inks. i have no idea where the files are but maybe i'll revisit taking photos of them now that my collection has expanded a bit. i have some cooler looking ink bottles now too which i could incorporate x3.

to begin, we first must see the end.

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