hello! i'm ajazz - writer, web developer, and as of late indie web enthusiast. i actually made this account months ago, but it was very early in my encounter with the web revival space and i was so overwhelmed by it that i had to take a minute to absorb it all before i actually dived deep into any one area. but since i'm (just barely) starting to get a handle on things, i thought it was time to say hi!
as far as what i'm "into," i like history (particularly western history from 1789-1945), videogames (sonic, metroid, and half-life are my historical favorites, but i've dabbled in all sorts of stuff), and writing, as i mentioned earlier. i mainly write non-fiction essays on
My Website (serious), but i also write more informal and wacky stuff on
my website (silly).
getting involved in the melon extended universe (and the indie web generally) has really reignited my creative spark for code-as-art, rather than merely as a tool. i work as a webdev professionally, and at its worst that profession can make you forget that code is as much a canvas for expression as it is anything else. seeing the remarkable things people have been making in spaces like this has reminded me that programming used to be a thing i did for fun, and it's helped me get back into that spirit again.
it's an honor to meet you all! looking forward to chatting more.