I don't mean to be a bother, but I'm not a fan of how the DokuWiki handles the Melonland Wiki

, It's a little too janky, it's pretty barebones from what i'm used to, and its missing core parts of what a wiki needs!!
Why would I want a wiki that is super simplistic? It's missing alot of core features that an average wiki would need! I hate to say it, and i feel very terrible for saying this, but even the fandom wiki has all the tools you need to start a wiki! Where is the citations? Where is banners? Where is the Templates? Where is the Talk Pages? Yes, half of these can be installed with a simple plugin, but most of the plugins in the repository are either abandoned, or barebones! Like the citations. They do allow you to use citations, a thing almost every single average wiki uses, but its missing one thing. Citation Needed. Which is a important part of a wiki. How else am I suppose to mark a part that says "hey uh, we need evidence for this part". What makes me dumbfounded is that the creator who made this citation needed never implemented this feature, which it should! I even tried to email them about it, and got no response.
I looked at the refnotes plugin documentation and saw- oh hey look, Citation Needed!

Perhaps it's an undocumented feature that the refnote plugin has?
I looked inside the code just to see if it was supported by the refnote plugin
itself and...
Not by the refnotes plugin itself but...
sighIt was just manually placed in there.
<sup>%%[%%//[[citation needed]]//%%]%%</sup>

So then i wonder if it was just on some sort of to-do list, a roadmap perhaps? Well, I didn't find one ANYWHERE!
Oh well, you can't say I didn't try, right?
The DokuWiki tomfoolery doesn't stop there. because before the melonland wiki had its talk page added (after adding a new plugin...), I noticed how there was a signature button. Now this button didn't come bundled with the talk page plugin, it didn't really, it came out of the box with DokuWiki. and this is where things get really, really weird. Melon was apparently not aware of this button, ever. Which gets me very confused. Why would you have a signature feature, but not have a talk page?

I also noticed how this little button (when clicked), pastes a link, which clicked, it... instead of going to your forum profile, it links to your email address. What is problematic about it? Well. Even if you had your email address set to hidden on the forum, this signature button does not abide by the settings, and displays your email address regardless if you have your email address hidden from the public.
I can understand why it does this, some parts of the wiki isn't connected to the forum, dokuwiki and SMF. they are separate projects, but... i don't know how it grabbed my email, password, and username from the forum? What type of witch craft is this? :O
Either way, it baffling. the way that dokuwiki is set up, it messes with my head!

Let's point out the fact that there is no Templates, which would make editing so much easier.
For example. What if i want to mark the article as a stub? I would insert the {{stub}} template. However, DokuWiki doesn't allow that. You can't even create your own template, you have to install plugins in order to make it work. Which is pretty... sad.
If i wanted to mark a wiki article as a stub, i would have to manually create a banner on the of the page, like this:
<note important>Stub This page is a stub! Please improve the Melonland Wiki.</note>
Instead of this:
Which makes things kind of hard to manage. I even heard that MediaWiki keeps track of a list of articles that are a stub, keeps tracks of articles has links that lead to a non-existent article, etc. Which is a thing that DokuWiki doesn't have.
As the wiki grows, its going to become harder and harder to manage, and clean up without these features.
I fear that the more we have to manually add these ""templates"", the more messy the wiki would get.
So with all that being said and done, what alternatives are out there?I'm not going to list all of them here, If you want a good list of alternatives, you can skip to this timestamp in this video to see a good list of them. (13:56)
However I will share one good wiki farm, that you can self-host.
MirahezeMiraheze is a free and open-source wiki that uses MediaWiki instead of DokuWiki, it's very customizable, it's basically everything you need to start a wiki! :O
You probably know a few Wikis that uses Miraheze, like the Minecraft Wiki!
You can learn more on how to migrate from DokuWiki to MediaWiki here:
DokuWiki is all about simplicity. Without these core features, it makes me think. What does DokuWiki want to be? Why does it exist? Why would I have to install plugins for the simplest features? It doesn't make any sense because the forum is full of useless features, which is the charm of the melonland forum!

Am I wrong on some points? Maybe.
And no. I don't recommend using that one ad-infested wiki-farm site known as fandom.