Hej hej !!
I'm Genderking but you can call me Zaac ! I'm a 20yo french art student and i've been getting more and more interested in webcrafting and coding !! I'm super excited to be here meet new people. I don't really know how to structure this post so i'm just gonna follow the list Melon gave us !!
Tell us about yourself? / What are you into?Well, like i said earlier, I'm an art student, and more specifically i'm studying graphic novels [if that makes sense ?], like meeting authors, learning how to create a story, how to pitch it to editors-, how to *MAKE* a graphic novel basically, all of the steps.
Apart from drawing, i love- LOVE playing video games. I'm a nerd at heart
. I basically play all kind of video games [with ONE exception, i cant play horror games, therye too scary :( ]. Right now, i'm really into Minecraft, Marvel Rivals and...League of legends....[i know this one is bad but i cant help it
Do you have a site or a blog? / What do you love most about making things on the web? (or off the web!)I do ! I finally started putting something together after lurking in this forum, and watching my friend code their website. It's my first website, and it looks really bad. I have so many ideas and at the same time i dont have any ! It's scary to put something on the web for everyone to see, and i'm scared of messing up. But it's part of the fun !! you mess up, you try again, and the next thing you know, you managed to fix this god damn navigator div thing and now it's standing right next to the other boxes of text !!! its so so SO satisfying !!!!
I just love making something and fixing it, you get to see your progress in real time and it fills me with joy every single time i manage to fix a mistake
I went in a tangent but uhh, here's the website
https://genderkings-lair.neocities.org/I dont know what else to say, so im gonna summarise here ;
I'm genuinely so excited to meet people, talk to them and learn from you guys !! I hope everything goes well :]
[Also, Merry christmas !!!!]