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Author Topic: Star Trek Questionnaire !  (Read 144 times)
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« on: January 26, 2025 @73.21 »

I saw on another thread that there's quite a few trekkies here :) Here's a fun questionnaire, and maybe other discussions can be opened up  :dog:


  • Have you watched all of the tv series?
  • Which series is your fave, and why?
  • Have you seen all the movies? Which ones do you like/dislike?
  • Who is your all time fave char?
  • All time least fave char?
  • Which captain is your fave, and why?
  • Which character could have been miles better?
  • What are some of your favorite arcs / episodes?
  • If you were in the Star Trek universe, what race would you want to be? Would you want to be in Starfleet?
  • Do you have an OC? Tell us about it  :dog:
  • Who is your Star Trek crush? And why is it Data?

I'm not sure if melonland does "megathreads" but I'd love there to be a star trek megathread so we can keep talking about it  :transport:

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« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2025 @137.14 »

Now this is my kind of thread! \\//_ (that’s my attempt at an ASCII Vulcan salute, hehe)

1. I’ve watched at one episode from every series. The only series I’ve seen 100% of are Deep Space Nine, Picard, Lower Decks, and SNW (the latter of which is still airing, of course).

2. DS9 will always be my favourite for the sheer depth of the storytelling. By daring to depart so drastically from the episodic format of the series that had gone before it, the show allowed its writers to create a story that didn’t shy away from the consequences of everything that had come before. Rather than (or perhaps more accurately, as well as) telling a different story each week in 45 minutes, DS9 told one story over seven seasons.

3. I think I’ve seen all the movies, but I don’t recall some of them too well. My favourite is The Wrath of Khan, because come on, it’s The Wrath of Khan, but I do enjoy The Voyage Home (the one with the whales) and First Contact too. Very mainstream choices, but they’re popular for a reason!

4. My favourite character? Don’t make me choose! Well, since you’re asking separately about captains, I’ll pick someone who isn’t a captain. Or at least I would if I could make my mind up! Perhaps I’ll come back to this question another time.

5. I feel really mean saying this, and I sure as hell don’t want to get lumped in with the people who don’t like Discovery for bigoted reasons, but my least favourite character (as in, not the character I “love to hate”, but the character I vibe least with) is Michael Burnham. Don’t get me wrong, Discovery was my first Star Trek, but when I discovered the other series, I saw what Trek could be... and that DIS wasn’t it. Burnham unfortunately represents, in my opinion, many of the gripes I have with her series (because it is very much her series—the crew gets virtually no characterisation at all when you compare them to the crews of other series.

6. Although DS9 is my favourite series, my favourite captain is Picard. I feel he epitomises the Star Trek ethos the most out of all the captains. But very close behind him, and closing in on him with every episode, is Captain Pike. He has most of Picard’s strengths but managed to avoid Picard’s main weakness—unlike Picard, he’s shown himself on many occasions to be willing to “hang out” with the rest of the crew. He works hard and he plays hard.

7. Miles better? Impossible, Miles O’Brien is already perfect :grin: My real answer is probably Ezri Dax, unfortunately.

8. My favourite two arcs (that I can think of off the top of my head) are both from DS9. The first of these is the actual Battle for DS9 at the end of S5 / start of S6, and the other is the sweeping ten-part epic that brings the entire series to its conclusion. In a lot of ways, DS9 predicted a style of television that only really became mainstream this century.

9. I would very much want to be a Trill! Partly because it would be really cool to have centuries’ worth of memories (and to pass mine on after death), and partly because it feels the most aligned with my often confusing gender feelings. I’m not sure whether or not I’d want to be in Starfleet. It depends whether I have plot armour and/or a guarantee that I wouldn’t be put through any traumatic situations. I don’t want to be another O’Brien!

10. I do! His name is Gurjun Taal (he was named before Adira Tal showed up in DIS), and he’s a recent graduate of Starfleet Academy. But the Taal symbiont wants to go into command, while Gurjun wants to stay in the medical field. Hijinks ensue! I have a whole story plan written up if you want to hear about it.

11. Two words: Jadzia Dax. That is all. :loved:

we're all spoonfuls of the same soup (and it's delicious!) :chef:

Casual Poster

Hm.. must have been the wind.

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« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2025 @157.43 »

Now this is my kind of thread! \\//_ (that’s my attempt at an ASCII Vulcan salute, hehe)

1. I’ve watched at one episode from every series. The only series I’ve seen 100% of are Deep Space Nine, Picard, Lower Decks, and SNW (the latter of which is still airing, of course).

2. DS9 will always be my favourite for the sheer depth of the storytelling. By daring to depart so drastically from the episodic format of the series that had gone before it, the show allowed its writers to create a story that didn’t shy away from the consequences of everything that had come before. Rather than (or perhaps more accurately, as well as) telling a different story each week in 45 minutes, DS9 told one story over seven seasons.

3. I think I’ve seen all the movies, but I don’t recall some of them too well. My favourite is The Wrath of Khan, because come on, it’s The Wrath of Khan, but I do enjoy The Voyage Home (the one with the whales) and First Contact too. Very mainstream choices, but they’re popular for a reason!

4. My favourite character? Don’t make me choose! Well, since you’re asking separately about captains, I’ll pick someone who isn’t a captain. Or at least I would if I could make my mind up! Perhaps I’ll come back to this question another time.

5. I feel really mean saying this, and I sure as hell don’t want to get lumped in with the people who don’t like Discovery for bigoted reasons, but my least favourite character (as in, not the character I “love to hate”, but the character I vibe least with) is Michael Burnham. Don’t get me wrong, Discovery was my first Star Trek, but when I discovered the other series, I saw what Trek could be... and that DIS wasn’t it. Burnham unfortunately represents, in my opinion, many of the gripes I have with her series (because it is very much her series—the crew gets virtually no characterisation at all when you compare them to the crews of other series.

6. Although DS9 is my favourite series, my favourite captain is Picard. I feel he epitomises the Star Trek ethos the most out of all the captains. But very close behind him, and closing in on him with every episode, is Captain Pike. He has most of Picard’s strengths but managed to avoid Picard’s main weakness—unlike Picard, he’s shown himself on many occasions to be willing to “hang out” with the rest of the crew. He works hard and he plays hard.

7. Miles better? Impossible, Miles O’Brien is already perfect :grin: My real answer is probably Ezri Dax, unfortunately.

8. My favourite two arcs (that I can think of off the top of my head) are both from DS9. The first of these is the actual Battle for DS9 at the end of S5 / start of S6, and the other is the sweeping ten-part epic that brings the entire series to its conclusion. In a lot of ways, DS9 predicted a style of television that only really became mainstream this century.

9. I would very much want to be a Trill! Partly because it would be really cool to have centuries’ worth of memories (and to pass mine on after death), and partly because it feels the most aligned with my often confusing gender feelings. I’m not sure whether or not I’d want to be in Starfleet. It depends whether I have plot armour and/or a guarantee that I wouldn’t be put through any traumatic situations. I don’t want to be another O’Brien!

10. I do! His name is Gurjun Taal (he was named before Adira Tal showed up in DIS), and he’s a recent graduate of Starfleet Academy. But the Taal symbiont wants to go into command, while Gurjun wants to stay in the medical field. Hijinks ensue! I have a whole story plan written up if you want to hear about it.

11. Two words: Jadzia Dax. That is all. :loved:

I absolutely DO want to hear about the story !!!  :mark:  :mark:

Hard agree with Picard representing the Star Trek ethos. I'm actually not that much of a fan of sci-fi because I find a lot of the tropes beyond tiring ("We're advanced humans, except we still believe in colonizing and bigotry" ????) and Picard's philosophies are always such a delight.

With that said, I do really love Sisko. I think if Picard was the captain in DS9 and Sisko was the captain in TNG, things would have ended horribly... I really don't think Picard could have won any battles in DS9, especially with out ruthless the enemy was, and I don't think Sisko could have been as diplomatic and humanitarian as Picard, choosing to wage battle rather than sacrifice themselves for the greater good, IMO. What do you think?

I remember specifically the episode in TNG where the crew are trapped in some anomaly. For a while, they thought they were in some wormhole or something like that. It turned out that it was an alien manipulating the entire space around them and trapping them, running experiments on the crew and randomly killing people, just to see how they react. Eventually, after numerous attempts at escaping, Picard sets the ship to self-destruct, choosing to sacrifice the crew in a humane way than to just wait and see if the merciless and sadistic alien would let them go (after killing everyone one by one)(I seriously doubt the alien was going to release them, ever, except for this scenario). The ship is about to self-destruct and the alien releases them and the self-destruct sequence is cancelled.

I really don't think Sisko would have made a decision like that. I think he would fight to the bitter end and unfortunately, that would have been the end of the entire crew. Picard's philosophy in this scenario was the best solution. Would Picard have been able to make the same sacrifices that Sisko made during wartime in DS9? Absolutely not.

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:mark: By Talos, this can't be happening :mark:
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Casual Poster

Hm.. must have been the wind.

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« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2025 @166.85 »

I'll also go ahead and answer the questions too:

  • I have not watched all of the tv series. I've only watched TNG, DS9 and Voyager. I watched a bit of Lower Decks and couldn't vibe with it...
  • TNG is my fave by far! Voyager surprised me and is a close second. TNG has a more positive and optimistic pov, where humans have advanced and are generally good. The aliens they meet are all generally good and are just trying their best to survive and thrive. I don't vibe with a lot of sci-fi media where all aliens are just barbaric and violent, it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I also enjoy the humor of TNG as well, it feels very campy.
  • Data is my all time favorite character. I love his development, I think his storyline is really interesting and the way he connects with other characters is fascinating. Besides Data, I'd say Odo!
  • Least fave character... hmm... It might have to be Paris from Voyager. I seriously couldn't tell you why. He wasn't charming or funny, like he always tried to be. I kept waiting to come around to him and then that just literally never happened.
  • Favorite captain is Picard for sure!
  • Data could have been written better LOL I think it's SO ridiculous that he "never had emotions". That's a lie. His emotions were subtle but they were there. I honestly hate the whole storyline where he gets the emotion chip and acts goofy. It feels so cringe to me.
  • The DS9 big battles, the arc in Voyager "the year of hell" or when they were in the void
  • Betazoid! I would want to be in Starfleet if it was guaranteed I could be on the enterprise and explore other planets and systems
  • I don't really have an OC, I guess my OC would just be me, a self-insert. I'd need to think this through!
  • Data, Odo, Neelix (i know, i know...)

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:pc: "Don't necro threads" did irreparable damage that will take years to fix... but we CAN fix it :4u:

:mark: By Talos, this can't be happening :mark:
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Cassettes !Joined 2024!
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2025 @21.98 »

  • Have you watched all of the tv series? - all except picard and the last season of discovery
  • Which series is your fave, and why? - I am a horrendously indecisive person so it's a tie between tos, tng, and ds9
  • Have you seen all the movies? Which ones do you like/dislike? - yes... my favorites are the voyage home and undiscovered country, my least favorite is nemesis (basic answer but man.). it's also the only one I own a copy of and it haunts me... also not a huge fan of into darkness at all, I don't love the kelvinverse generally but that one is such a slog.
  • Who is your all time fave char? - geordi, data, spock, tuvok, and jadzia are all up there and my actual number one favorite among them changes super often. my pals :-]
  • All time least fave char? - captain archer... my mother is a huge scott bakula fan so I spent a lot of time growing up watching shows and strange low budget movies he was in and he's a pretty decent actor but by god is he given bad material there. I like enterprise quite a lot but the way he acts drives me nuts!!!
  • Which captain is your fave, and why? - at this point it'd probably be sisko, I really admire the way the writers used him to discuss SO many topics and the fact that he is such a well adjusted person and strong leader but is still allowed to show feelings. I also love his friendships with his crew and his interest in baseball as someone who also has pretty intensely archaic interests.
  • Which character could have been miles better? - mayweather, hoshi, and pretty much the entire NX-01 crew... I really wish enterprise felt more like an ensemble cast and less focused on archer.
  • What are some of your favorite arcs / episodes? - I absolutely love campy/silly stuff, both on the really good side of that scale and the really bad side. stuff like spock's brain, sub rosa, move along home, that type of thing. I tend to hold trek in really high regards so I like to remember that it is incredibly dumb sometimes also. plus I like episodes where they get to wear silly costumes (a piece of the action, elementary dear data, our man bashir, etc) and episodes exploring the nature of sentience as it applies to different definitions of organisms.
  • If you were in the Star Trek universe, what race would you want to be? Would you want to be in Starfleet? - I don't like change very much, so I would probably just want to be a regular human... I also don't think I would enjoy the structure of starfleet very much, but I do like the idea of exploration. I think something like a civilian cultural anthropologist would be neat, or just an artist or carpenter because those are some of my strongest skill-based interests in my actual life.
  • Do you have an OC? Tell us about it  :dog: - I had multiple ships' worth when I was a kid and would draw them in school all the time. sadly I don't really have access to them anymore, but I'd love to talk about them if I can find those papers and such.
  • Who is your Star Trek crush? And why is it Data? - 100% data. no elaboration necessary.

Casual Poster ⚓︎

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« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2025 @687.52 »

I absolutely DO want to hear about the story !!!  :mark:  :mark:
Wonderful! May I please tell you about it in a forum message? I try not to post my story ideas publicly in case they get scraped by AI trawlers or stolen by unscrupulous authors :ohdear: Not that there'd be any on this forum, but better safe than sorry!

I really like your analysis of the differences between Picard and Sisko. It was a really daring move by the showrunners to begin DS9 with such obvious disdain between the two of them, and I think it really set the tone nicely for DS9 going forward (along with Sisko's quip to Q: “I'm not Picard”) while also adding to Picard's character by having him confront the consequences of Wolf 359.

I watched a bit of Lower Decks and couldn't vibe with it...
It definitely finds its feet. The main characters (especially Mariner) start off a little bit unlikeable, but you grow to love them (not just because you get used to them, but also because they all grow as people). There's genuinely so much to love about the show! It's one of my favourites, which sounds bonkers considering it's a far more jokey take on Star Trek at first glance, but honestly—it's a love letter to the entire franchise.

Data is my all time favorite character. I love his development, I think his storyline is really interesting and the way he connects with other characters is fascinating. Besides Data, I'd say Odo!
If I may say so, you seem to have a type :grin: Not that that's a bad thing at all, they're both great characters! While their personalities are quite different (Data being more naive, Odo being more cynical), both of them are "outsider" characters whose arcs are united in the fact that they're trying to discover, come to terms with, or overcome the shortcomings of their non-human nature and origins at various points throughout their respective shows. I'd have to rewatch both series, but I'm sure you could draw some interesting parallels between Soong and Mora, the scientists involved in each of their backstories respectively.

Data, Odo, Neelix (i know, i know...)
Must... resist... urge to argue about the whole Tuvix dilemma! :wink:

Who is your all time fave char? - geordi, data, spock, tuvok, and jadzia are all up there and my actual number one favorite among them changes super often. my pals :-]
How did I forget Spock? (And Bones, for that matter?) Spock is honestly one of my comfort characters. You know what, since I didn't actually answer this question in my own post, I'm going to pencil in "Spock" as my answer to that.

we're all spoonfuls of the same soup (and it's delicious!) :chef:

Casual Poster

Hm.. must have been the wind.

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« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2025 @922.43 »

Wonderful! May I please tell you about it in a forum message? I try not to post my story ideas publicly in case they get scraped by AI trawlers or stolen by unscrupulous authors :ohdear: Not that there'd be any on this forum, but better safe than sorry!

Yes absolutely! Forum message or email, whichever works for you  :4u: my email is also in my profile, i look forward to reading about your character !!

I really like your analysis of the differences between Picard and Sisko. It was a really daring move by the showrunners to begin DS9 with such obvious disdain between the two of them, and I think it really set the tone nicely for DS9 going forward (along with Sisko's quip to Q: “I'm not Picard”) while also adding to Picard's character by having him confront the consequences of Wolf 359.
It definitely finds its feet. The main characters (especially Mariner) start off a little bit unlikeable, but you grow to love them (not just because you get used to them, but also because they all grow as people). There's genuinely so much to love about the show! It's one of my favourites, which sounds bonkers considering it's a far more jokey take on Star Trek at first glance, but honestly—it's a love letter to the entire franchise.

I might have to give Lower Decks another shot because I've heard nothing but positive things about it!!

[ quote]If I may say so, you seem to have a type :grin: [/quote]

LOL You're so right!! The more "alien" outsiders that get humanized and try to relate to humans... Love it  :chef:

Must... resist... urge to argue about the whole Tuvix dilemma! :wink:
Omg I do want to hear your thoughts about Tuvix, as I have a lot myself !!


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:mark: By Talos, this can't be happening :mark:
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Hm.. must have been the wind.

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« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2025 @925.30 »

  • Have you watched all of the tv series? - all except picard and the last season of discovery
  • Which series is your fave, and why? - I am a horrendously indecisive person so it's a tie between tos, tng, and ds9
  • Have you seen all the movies? Which ones do you like/dislike? - yes... my favorites are the voyage home and undiscovered country, my least favorite is nemesis (basic answer but man.). it's also the only one I own a copy of and it haunts me... also not a huge fan of into darkness at all, I don't love the kelvinverse generally but that one is such a slog.
  • Who is your all time fave char? - geordi, data, spock, tuvok, and jadzia are all up there and my actual number one favorite among them changes super often. my pals :-]
  • All time least fave char? - captain archer... my mother is a huge scott bakula fan so I spent a lot of time growing up watching shows and strange low budget movies he was in and he's a pretty decent actor but by god is he given bad material there. I like enterprise quite a lot but the way he acts drives me nuts!!!
  • Which captain is your fave, and why? - at this point it'd probably be sisko, I really admire the way the writers used him to discuss SO many topics and the fact that he is such a well adjusted person and strong leader but is still allowed to show feelings. I also love his friendships with his crew and his interest in baseball as someone who also has pretty intensely archaic interests.
  • Which character could have been miles better? - mayweather, hoshi, and pretty much the entire NX-01 crew... I really wish enterprise felt more like an ensemble cast and less focused on archer.
  • What are some of your favorite arcs / episodes? - I absolutely love campy/silly stuff, both on the really good side of that scale and the really bad side. stuff like spock's brain, sub rosa, move along home, that type of thing. I tend to hold trek in really high regards so I like to remember that it is incredibly dumb sometimes also. plus I like episodes where they get to wear silly costumes (a piece of the action, elementary dear data, our man bashir, etc) and episodes exploring the nature of sentience as it applies to different definitions of organisms.
  • If you were in the Star Trek universe, what race would you want to be? Would you want to be in Starfleet? - I don't like change very much, so I would probably just want to be a regular human... I also don't think I would enjoy the structure of starfleet very much, but I do like the idea of exploration. I think something like a civilian cultural anthropologist would be neat, or just an artist or carpenter because those are some of my strongest skill-based interests in my actual life.
  • Do you have an OC? Tell us about it  :dog: - I had multiple ships' worth when I was a kid and would draw them in school all the time. sadly I don't really have access to them anymore, but I'd love to talk about them if I can find those papers and such.
  • Who is your Star Trek crush? And why is it Data? - 100% data. no elaboration necessary.

The sisko and data lovers all culminating telepathically to create a melonland forum account and post here in this thread  :chef:

Nemesis haunts me as well, I literally stopped watching the movies because that one hurt too badly  :skull:

I agree about the structure of Starfleet... It would be an amazing opportunity to travel the galaxy but... it's really military-like... Would I be able to take orders from higher up, even if it goes against my morals? I'd probably end up getting reprimanded left and right for disobeying orders  :skull:

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:mark: By Talos, this can't be happening :mark:
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