o0 MelonLands Profile Design Contest 0oHello hello! Welcome to the forum's first profile design contest!You may have noticed that you can put Custom CSS into your forum profile to change its appearance. We wanna know who has the prettiest design this year
The Contest works this way:1. If you want to participate,
check out the guide on how to customize your profile on the forum wiki.2. Customize your profile however you like.
3. Post in this thread that you want to participate, together with a
screenshot you made of your finished profile design.
Please include what Forum Theme it is designed for - we have multiple, and the designs often look vastly different on the Newspaper Theme than the Default one, for example.
Both of these things help people who want know what your profile is supposed to look like, regardless of their settings or screen!

(If you are unsure what the Forum Themes are, click the quick change circle icons on the bottom left of the forum).
4. You will have
4 weeks to do so, starting today. After the
11th of March, the entry will be closed and a poll will be opened with the names of the participants and their screenshots. You will be able to vote there for a two weeks, the winner will be announced on Tuesday 25th of March!
5. After the poll is done, the winner(s) will be announced and get a
forum profile sticker (gift) and a
badge for their website
Have fun!! P.S.: You don't need to create the design from scratch in this time - if you already have a design you like since before this started, you can still enter it
Need examples for what you can do? Feel free to check out some entries from the last contest
@Commodorn @levya or
@neoratzThanks to @shevek for hosting the first profile contest in 2023!