Good question! Aoeu is pretty much right, content is king and you'll have much more fun if you have content to post about. When I started my content was collections and past projects that I had sitting around, that gave me a whole wealth of stuff to post without much effort. Then as time went on I started to make new content whitch is much more work.
As for art; remember art is magic, and fun is magic, your are conjuring things into reality, make sure your having fun doing it!
+++ ALSO reposing this from Discord, its a guide I wrote for people interested in upping their website game: +++
For HTML and CSS, W3 schools is the best learning site, but also snoop the source of sites, steal bits you like and re-work them. You’ll find a lot of rules about how you SHOULD do web design, be sure to break them at every opportunity but learn them first. Design is the most important bit, you can have crappy HTML and a cool design and it will still be cool. By design, I mean the layout, but also the mood and vibe.
Don’t worry about Javascript until you’re good at HTML and CSS, do a programming fundamentals tutorial from Youtube. Then pick a simple project like a name generator and try that, then do more complex things. Don’t overdo Javascript, if your site can’t work with JS turned off then you have overdone the JS! Use Stack-Overflow for help! Also this is a great book to read to get more advanced with JS AND this is also a good book to get better at programming in general
When you’re happy with all that, you can try doing 3D stuff, it helps if you know how to 3D model so learn the basics of Blender first, then use X3D, Three.js, Javascript and/or learn Unity (that means learning C#). You can ALSO add 2D web games without knowing how to program using something like Construct.
(If you wanna do web-services like the search engine Im working on.. do a computer science degree :omg:k: But really, learn Node.js, Linux terminal, Databases (SQL,Mongo), Java/C++ and common software design patterns.)
Don’t judge your site too harshly against other sites, remember some (like mine) were made slowly over many years by people with too much free time… And remember that the technologies are just tools, they will allow you to make what you want, but you have to find your creative inspiration yourself. The only advice I can give is never follow trends, find things that make you excited to be alive.
Hopefully that answers your questions and helps you on your way! You can always get help here or on other forums/discords