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« on: January 31, 2023 @13.33 »

Just a thread for physical media, since it's been on the top of my mind lately! I've been into physical media lately. I've been getting Blu-Rays of whatever anime movies Walmart has cheap while I'm out grocery shopping. I recently found a really cool site that sells Japanese CDs for reasonable prices, which is neat since they're stuff I can't get on Spotify easily, so it's easier to listen in the car.

But that's besides the point, my reason for making the thread is for what you all think about physical media. A lot of my friends think it's stilly to have DVDs and stuff, since it's easier, cheaper, and more abundant to stream, same with music. But I enjoy having the physical media simply because it's fun, gives me collectables, and I can support the artists a bit more. Best of all, it's a chance to step away from the internet. I can take a Blu-Ray off the grid, which is nice when I want to unplug.

So again, back to the point - Y'all like physical media? What's you thoughts on it being redundant and less convenient? And why might you want to buy a CD or DVD instead of torrenting the content and burning it yourself? Just curious since I'm torn between my strong roots in piracy, but also like having physical media and supporting the creators behind the works I love so much. It's a constant ethical battle in my little brain lmao

(Also, apologies if a thread like this already exists ;v:wink:

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« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2023 @40.86 »

I love to purchase physical media for things I enjoy enough to splash out on, I think of it like building up a collection of things I love most that will likely outlast streaming services and that I can actually hold in my hands and display in my room. Vinyls are my go-to, albeit the most expensive so I don’t have a large amount, it’s always fun to get out my record player now and then and listen to an entire album away from my phone or computer. I also have a small hoard of CDs and DVDs from a few years back when I wanted physical copies of my favourites, and I always try to buy physical copies of video games when available since I prefer to swap the cartridges over rather than select a download.

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« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2023 @65.21 »

There's something very satisfying about physical media, clicking, spinning, whirring and lots of wires. I also agree with supporting artists that you enjoy, while I do argue for the point of piracy it is still good to support artists who you enjoy, especially when more of the money actually ends up on their end and not a company. Another point in this is archival, physical media deteriorates (digital media can be lost as well but it's more common physically.) and when dealing with more obscure music, games or movies then I tend to enjoy making a digital copy of them to keep in case the physical version has something happen to it.

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« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2023 @89.61 »

A lot of my friends think it's stilly to have DVDs and stuff, since it's easier, cheaper, and more abundant to stream, same with music.

Sure, it's easier until they switch to a streaming service you don't have, or remove their entire catalog from everything because they want to launch their own ill-advised streaming service, or go in and change scenes because licensing terms have changed (happens with games especially). I've been picking things up here are there too, and this is the main reason why. I'm ok watching things I find on streaming services, but whenever I want to watch something specifically, it seems it's been pulled off and put somewhere else.

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« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2023 @156.34 »

physical media can be just as, if not more convenient than streaming if your physical media is high enough capacity, e.g. hard disks. yet this high capacity and the physical connection of harddrives to computers means that you wont touch it as much, losing the novelty you get from external physical media.

To make things worse, DRM ridden files offered by Netflix (they do allow you to download stuff apparently), Steam and Amazon's services has made some people lose sight of harddrives as physical media at all :sad: any media i wish to use more than once is written to my disk and drm free
« Last Edit: January 31, 2023 @158.44 by nymphaeaphoo » Logged

« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2023 @168.54 »

I love to purchase physical media for things I enjoy enough to splash out on, I think of it like building up a collection of things I love most that will likely outlast streaming services and that I can actually hold in my hands and display in my room. Vinyls are my go-to, albeit the most expensive so I don’t have a large amount, it’s always fun to get out my record player now and then and listen to an entire album away from my phone or computer. I also have a small hoard of CDs and DVDs from a few years back when I wanted physical copies of my favourites, and I always try to buy physical copies of video games when available since I prefer to swap the cartridges over rather than select a download.

This is pretty much how I feel. For things I'm really fond of I like to have something physical that I can display on my shelf.

I used to be really against all-digital media because I was worried about the digital storefronts delisting things and removing your ability to re-download things you've bought. But so far that has only happened a few times I'm aware of in the last decade. Usually, even if something is no longer available for purchase you can still download it as long as the storefront is operational.

These days I see it as a lot more convenient to have a mostly digital library. I reached a point about six years ago where I realized I was avoiding playing certain games because I had a physical copy and didn't want to bother switching discs. That's when I started going mostly digital.

Movies are a bit different. The movies I want to buy are often easier to find a physical copy of than digital. Recently I could only find the Beverly Hillbillies movie on DVD so that's where I bought it. There's a pawn shop in the city I used to live in that I'll still drive two hours to visit because they have a massive library of old DVDs that you can't find anywhere else.

For music, I'm pretty much 100% digital. I only have a half dozen vinyls, but I never listen to them. I have the albums digitally as well and have the records framed.

physical media can be just as, if not more convenient than streaming if your physical media is high enough capacity, e.g. hard disks.

Maybe the conversation around physical media has changed, because I never would have considered digital downloads on your harddrive as a physical copy. But now that we have cloud streaming there's yet another layer separating people from ownership of their media.
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« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2023 @622.63 »

I am very huge into physical media, and I rarely, if ever, get something digitally or stream it. Whenever it's reasonably priced, I get everything physically. I have CDs, Records, Tapes, cartridges, a whole bunch of stuff!

I'm very into playing games, watching movies, and listening to music the way most people did back in the day, and experience the media authentically. I feel upset that many people don't feel the same way.

Like if I want to watch a movie from the 90s, I get a VHS or laserdisc, and watch them on a CRT.

On the other hand, I hate the scumbags who like to charge a fortune for old games and albums. I was just told about a PS2 game that sells for $800! Nobody who is willing to pay that much is actually going to play it. It's beanie babies all over again!

If something I enjoy is only available to stream, I record them onto VHS or cassette. I have a good few audio and video tapes full of Youtube and Spotify stuff!

There's something very satisfying about physical media, clicking, spinning, whirring and lots of wires.

This how I feel. You can't beat the sounds of a VCR pulling the cassette in and the actual tape out to play it, or hearing the Dreamcast loudly whirr to load games! Or even hearing a laserdisc player or old PC CD drive loudly rev up to load and play the media!

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« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2023 @207.36 »

While I tend to do digital media like most people have to, I always try my best to get physical media of stuff, like DVDs and Music albums; especially when most places such as Netflix or HBO Max tend to have the media become unavailable when you least expect it. I used to use Hulu to watch a few animes with some friends before they took the animes off of their streaming service for some ungodly reason. Either way, I've been working on getting a collection going of music, been working slowly on collecting the Nine Inch Nails and Godspeed You Black Emperor discographies, though that's been stagnating in recent times due to money being an issue lol
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« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2023 @595.76 »

I've recently bought a cheap DVD player and started burning some of my favorite movies and TV shows on disks.

My family teases me about it, but hey, to each their own. It was very funny though when I put on a DVD disk for the first time in a while and my first reaction was "Wait, where did the quality go?" before I promptly realized that there's a reason why DVD-rip torrents are always in worse quality than direct WebRips of newer shows or why the HQ multi-GB versions of 2000s movies do not exist (unless re-released later) :grin: Our memory sure does smooth the rough edges!

That being said, it's hardly a big deal breaker when you're watching on TV from a considerable distance away.

Which, tragically, I've lost the habit to do so. So burning my physical DVDs is one thing - now I've gotta remember to actually watch them!

Same for music CDs. I have some bought and I have some burned, but like. The habit of just putting your headphones on and turning on your mp3s is so strong! (At least I've mostly moved on to mp3s over streaming though. Although I do miss the bonus of 'recommended' playlists and finding new music that way.) :tongue:

I do concur though, the whirring and flashing and all such quirks of physical media are joyful in their own way. I've reanimated our old point-&-shoot camera recently and the little whirr it does when pulling the film forward after every click makes me so happy! (Now I just need to happen to have it on hand every time a photo opportunity presents itself. Which, you know... a lost damn habit again)

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« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2023 @709.73 »

I've reanimated our old point-&-shoot camera recently and the little whirr it does when pulling the film forward after every click makes me so happy! (Now I just need to happen to have it on hand every time a photo opportunity presents itself. Which, you know... a lost damn habit again)

Totally forgot cameras count kind of in physical media!!! This is another hobby I've picked up lately. A family member gave me an old film camera a few years back that I've been using. Haven't had the time lately to take many photos, but I'm hoping to pick it up again soon!! I've become a dumping grounds for film lately, all my family (extended and immediate) will throw film cameras they found in the attic at me knowing I'll take 'em all lmao, but a lot end up being cool!

It makes me sad when people refer to them as "obsolete," as people don't realize that just because they're out of style doesn't mean they're worthless. It brings meaning back into photography in an age where you can whip out a phone and just snap a picture. By having to adjust to the light, frame the picture just right, and pray it develops well, it creates more meaning through that connection to the photo and the effort one has to go through to make just one picture good! (Plus, lens filters are a blast lmao)

Sorry about the ramble!! I'm just super passionate about the topic!!

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« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2023 @63.95 »

I've recently bought a cheap DVD player and started burning some of my favorite movies and TV shows on disks.

My family teases me about it, but hey, to each their own. It was very funny though when I put on a DVD disk for the first time in a while and my first reaction was "Wait, where did the quality go?" before I promptly realized that there's a reason why DVD-rip torrents are always in worse quality than direct WebRips of newer shows or why the HQ multi-GB versions of 2000s movies do not exist (unless re-released later) :grin: Our memory sure does smooth the rough edges!

That being said, it's hardly a big deal breaker when you're watching on TV from a considerable distance away.

Haha! That was exactly my reaction when watching back VHS Mixtapes I make for the first time! I always think the quality turns out terrible, but is something that can't be helped.

But if I watch it after watching a pre-recorded tape, I find the quality is brilliant by comparison! I got a bunch of tapes of The Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog (the one where Robotnik says PINGAS!), and I happen to have recently made a mixtape full of Sonic videos, most of them Youtube Poops of that very show. The quality is way better on the mix tape.

I'm guessing this is because in the early 90s, they probably had to work with analogue remasters, the resolution of which is much lower than the method I use to make my tapes. So chances are, it might be the same with DVD to a certain degree, since the masters are way higher res and more clear than what was used back when DVDs were the primary format for movies.

I'm curious, how do you put films on DVD? Do you use a certain DVD Authoring software?

Same for music CDs. I have some bought and I have some burned, but like. The habit of just putting your headphones on and turning on your mp3s is so strong! (At least I've mostly moved on to mp3s over streaming though. Although I do miss the bonus of 'recommended' playlists and finding new music that way.) :tongue:

I've seen a few people make "Mix CDs" lately. I'm personally more of a tapehead myself, but it's good to see people putting digital songs on a physical format and making playlists!

(Now I just need to happen to have it on hand every time a photo opportunity presents itself. Which, you know... a lost damn habit again)
Just have a bag on you at all times when out, and your camera in said bag. That's what I do. I feel naked without my bag, so I never forget it. :tongue:

It makes me sad when people refer to them as "obsolete," as people don't realize that just because they're out of style doesn't mean they're worthless. It brings meaning back into photography in an age where you can whip out a phone and just snap a picture. By having to adjust to the light, frame the picture just right, and pray it develops well, it creates more meaning through that connection to the photo and the effort one has to go through to make just one picture good! (Plus, lens filters are a blast lmao)
I actually think film is in the same situation as vinyl records. Sure, to many, they are obsolete, but to others, the quality can't be beat, and they have a warm analogue feel to them.

I can see it making the same kind of comeback, and I think it is. Film is hard to get right now because demand has exceeded supply. New film cameras are being made and Kodak brought back a previously discontinued type of film!

I remember going to one of the few places left in my city that develops film, and they told me that loads of people are starting to use film again. (I would do them myself, but I don't have room for a dark room, and I really can't be bothered scanning every photo to digitise them. Plus it's cool getting CDs of the photos when you come back for them!)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2023 @66.67 by Cobra! » Logged

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« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2023 @938.62 »

I'm curious, how do you put films on DVD? Do you use a certain DVD Authoring software?

Well, yeah! I've just recently started doing so, so maybe there are better methods out there, but I already had some films downloaded on my PC and then I set out looking for a burning software. Which was an adventure, since for certain reasons I can't buy any, so I was looking for something simple and, as per usual, was getting a bunch of overpriced programs on marketed "top 10 lists", until eventually I came across a simple, free, open-source software called DVD Flick and it was finally simple and efficient enough for me :grin:

Just have a bag on you at all times when out, and your camera in said bag. That's what I do. I feel naked without my bag, so I never forget it. :tongue:

Ah, see, that's the problem, my whole friend group is constantly teasing me 'cause I'm almost always without a bag, with all my essential belongings being stuffed in various pockets. I do probably need to go back to wearing bags though. Situations where I was stuck carrying something in my hands were one too many - and it would solve the camera problem :grin:

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« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2023 @298.38 »

I collect all forms of physical media, and I use my collection quite frequently. I love having the security of knowing I have my favorite movies, music, tv shows, games, anime, you name it regardless of if some silly corporation decides to take it offline for whatever reason or something along those lines. I also typically keep a collection of digital copies of the media I own on an external hard drive just because sometimes I do want the convenience of being able to just open something up on my desktop or laptop. My friends also all seem to really enjoy my collections because it's easier for everyone to gather around the bookshelf and look at ALL of our options at once rather than having to figure out scroll speed for people and trying to call out things before someone moves past it. Vinyl is great to put on when I have people over and just want to talk with them but don't want it to be dead silent as well. Lastly, I think it's just nice to have stuff that isn't connected to anything sometimes, especially nowadays. It's nice to just unplug and decompress with a VHS tape, my cat, and some cocoa and just forget about my problems for about 2 hours. :loved:

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« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2023 @736.26 »

Vinyl is great to put on when I have people over and just want to talk with them but don't want it to be dead silent as well. Lastly, I think it's just nice to have stuff that isn't connected to anything sometimes, especially nowadays. It's nice to just unplug and decompress with a VHS tape, my cat, and some cocoa and just forget about my problems for about 2 hours.
I super agree with your bit about unplugging, that's half the reason I don't like streaming, it's just easier and more peaceful to be offline!! Plus, no buffering or ads! (Save for a couple at the beginning of a DVD or VHS, but they're so novel that I let it slide.)

And I also agree on vinyl, it can be annoying having to cue up songs or pick the perfect playlist in my experience. Chill bgm is great, and with the perfect home setup it can be super cool and sound great... until you have to awkwardly get up to flip the record lmao, true agony is when the person you're talking to is on a roll and you don't want to interrupt, but the record player doesn't automatically stop and you hear it making that "the record is over" hiss ;v;

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« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2023 @809.65 »

I super agree with your bit about unplugging, that's half the reason I don't like streaming, it's just easier and more peaceful to be offline!! Plus, no buffering or ads! (Save for a couple at the beginning of a DVD or VHS, but they're so novel that I let it slide.)

And I also agree on vinyl, it can be annoying having to cue up songs or pick the perfect playlist in my experience. Chill bgm is great, and with the perfect home setup it can be super cool and sound great... until you have to awkwardly get up to flip the record lmao, true agony is when the person you're talking to is on a roll and you don't want to interrupt, but the record player doesn't automatically stop and you hear it making that "the record is over" hiss ;v;
I'm not typically a big fan of ads, but I love watching previews on things like DVD/VHS cuz I just use it to point me in the direction of new things I wanna check out and I don't feel like. "pressured" to do so because if it's previews on a VHS for instance, it's already well aged and easily accessible through my various routes lol. I don't have to see it in theaters or wait for a physical release, it already exists.

Changing the record is always tricky, true, but I've always just stood up and flipped it when it needed it or taken it off and waited for the person to be ready to discuss what was next while still making it clear that I was giving them the bulk of my attention [facing them, eye contact if I can manage, affirmation words, etc.] Most people don't seem to get too thrown off by it!

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