For a while now, I've been working on indexing my collection of videogames on my webpage, my primary goal is to have each game sorted by console, and each menu for the consoles looks like the bios for the console it came from. You can see an example
However, I'm a bit stuck now. My current goal is to have icons that can quickly represent little things about the games.
So far I have 2 icons, both for achievements. Both link to Exophase.
The blue one is specifically for games that I have completed.
Now, where I'm stuck, I want to create icons for:
- Unlicensed games (ex.
Bible Buffet NES)
- Bootleg games (ex.
Pokemon Stadium SNES)
- Homebrew games (ex.
Micro Mages NES)
I'll also make an icon for the region that certain games are from, if it's important. (I usually don't collect things I can't play)
But that's where I am personally, and now I ask
YOU for help! Do you have any ideas for icons for these?
Or, are there any other icons that may be important?