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Author Topic: Pet Names  (Read 3397 times)
« on: February 20, 2023 @332.06 »

What are the names of your pets? Do you prefer giving them names like Fluffy and Mr. Cuddlesworth, or human names like Bob and Susan?

I have two cats named Boris and Hunnicutt. Hunnicutt is named after my favourite character from M*A*S*H, but Boris just looked like a Boris as soon as I saw him.
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« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2023 @455.21 »

Hmmm, I don't have pets any more.. I'm not sure I would again in a hurry; but in the past Iv had a few!

Cats - Pebble, Mr Man and Kitty (we tried calling them Leaf first, but Kitty just stuck more)
Goldfish - fish (They seemed undefinable so I just called them the fish - they lived to be like 15!), Goldie, Lox
Turtle - Chomp (named after chain chomps from mario!)

I'm not sure how I feel about pets in general, they were kinda fun to have, but I always felt bad about having these animals in situations that didn't really seem ideal for them; even though I took Chomp out for walks in the garden, he still spent so much of his life in a tank.. I don't think Id want to do that again unless I had garden pond or something more open.

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« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2023 @680.23 »

I've only had 3 pets, Peanut and Charlie were my first 2 cats and my current dog is named June! I didn't choose any of the names though.

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« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2023 @735.37 »

i don't have any pets, but i do live with a bunch of inflatable dragons! i've mostly given them natural/naturey/elemental names, like Sage, Ember, Autumn, Cinder, Mist, Cedar, and Tundra.

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« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2023 @786.49 »

My cat is named Mama, which is the name she had when my parents initially got her!! She used to be one of their barn cats but now she lives with me in the city! My dog that still lives with them is named Poppy (I love giving things floral names) and I wish she could live with me but she would hate not being able to run around everywhere like she can in the country.

My last betta fish was named Crescent, after a crescent shaped marking on his gill he had when I got him. When he passed I wanted to pick another C name for my next betta, so her name is Calypso! Her tank also has a small school of neon tetras (who I just call The Girls) and a small school of otocinclus (who I just call The Boys)

« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2023 @834.07 »

I'm not sure how I feel about pets in general, they were kinda fun to have, but I always felt bad about having these animals in situations that didn't really seem ideal for them; even though I took Chomp out for walks in the garden, he still spent so much of his life in a tank.. I don't think Id want to do that again unless I had garden pond or something more open.

This is how I feel about any pets that need a cage or tank. Unless you have time and space to take them out for a long time every day, it just seems cruel to me. I love reptiles but would never adopt one for that reason.

I left my cats at my parents' house when I moved to the city because my apartment was too small, but I'm currently staying on a farm so they're with me now.
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« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2023 @872.73 »

My long-dead lizards : ( were named Jekyll, Hyde (those two were Carolina Anoles), Kruger, & Pamela (those two were some sort of whiptailed lizards
I want to start keeping leeches, in which case I'll name them after fictional vampires & VtM/VtR stuff (Dracula, Carmilla, Varney, Orlok, Tzimisce, Sascha, et cetera)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2023 @783.32 by appleAlc » Logged

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« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2023 @192.53 »

a long, long time ago, my family had a boy rat named peanut, and a girl rat named sausage. They ended up having a litter of babies: the girls we kept were zippy and blacky, and the boys were spot and tumtum. Tumtum has a special place in my heart because he was deeply stupid (affectionate)

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« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2023 @297.13 »

my pets' names have been a mix of pet names and human names. i once named a betta fish after louise from bob's burgers. most of my pets were betta fish, actually, which was really bad in hindsight because of the horrible conditions they were kept in  :notgood: betta fish are supposed to be kept in larger aquariums but pet stores really like advertising those cup-sized aquariums to would-be betta owners

i do really like naming my plushies after fictional characters though! i have a flamingo plush named after harry from disco elysium, and a zebra named after bob from bob's burgers :)

I'm not sure how I feel about pets in general, they were kinda fun to have, but I always felt bad about having these animals in situations that didn't really seem ideal for them; even though I took Chomp out for walks in the garden, he still spent so much of his life in a tank.. I don't think Id want to do that again unless I had garden pond or something more open.

im in a similar boat. i don't think i'd be comfortable with getting a pet if i didn't know how to take care of it and if i couldn't really hold myself responsible for the care of it. i briefly wanted to get a pet rat at one time but from there i learned how terrible pet stores are for the actual health of most pets ;^;

« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2023 @417.71 »

im in a similar boat. i don't think i'd be comfortable with getting a pet if i didn't know how to take care of it and if i couldn't really hold myself responsible for the care of it. i briefly wanted to get a pet rat at one time but from there i learned how terrible pet stores are for the actual health of most pets ;^;

Breeders are awful, but all of the pet stores I have visited mostly have rescues. I don't know if that's common in Canada or just in the towns near me.

So far all of my cats started out as barn cats that I adopted. I would really like to adopt an older rescue though. I love my cats, but they are loners. They have gotten friendlier since they live with me again (Boris is sleeping beside me right now :loved:), but whenever I visit the rescues they are always soooo friendly. It'd be nice to have a cat that wants to smoosh up to me as much as I wanna smoosh them.
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« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2023 @70.45 »

We have 5 cats, nearly all with human names - Abbie, Albert, Ollie, Parker, and Wren (because of her coloring).

We have two turtles, Stinky - because we took her from an abandoned house. She hadn't been fed for months and was living off algae growing in her tank of disgusting water and according to the vet was near death. The other is named Shelley. If we ever get another, I'm calling it Fluffy, because I can.
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« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2023 @579.31 »

i have 2 cats, one big black one called raven and a little dark grey and white one called magpie

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« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2023 @593.60 »

I had a long history with pets and their names, lot of them have passed away  :TnT:

My favorite pet was my dog Bitsy she was a corgi dog and was born a few days before I was! We aged up together until she unfortunately passed away.. I don't usually care much about animals but I find myself missing her.

I also had a cat named Pursey at that time, like Purse but with a -y suffix. not sure how she got that name, she also passed from old age too like Bitsy.

Then we had Moo-Moo and Chester they were both cats and they loved to fight, Chester got lost and we never saw him again. Moo-Moo died in a very graphic way that I will not be disclosing as to not upset anyone.  :ohdear:

These were all in the course of a looot of years by the way, decades, so I had a lot of pets throughout the year. My dog right now is Copper and he's a german shepard and daschuand mix! He was original a cop puppy in a girl dorm I believe? I'm not sure how WE ended up with him other than the fact my aunt is a cop lol

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« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2023 @766.93 »

You know when you are a kid and you don't quite know how to take care of pets because of poor information by your parents/pet stores?  :sad: Yeah... I've been there, too. I regret it immensely, and now I want to make sure I have all the resources and time to make sure an animal can thrive under my wing, so I'm not currently owning any pets. Still, here are their names in memoriam:

- Pixit: Yellow parakeet, female. Named after Heidi's pet bird (or at least, how I heard it was pronounced)
- Dee-Dee: Goldfish. Named after Dexter's sister
- Tuptush: White bunny. Named after my aunt's bunny, which in turn might be a name for Thumper in another language?
- Sparky: Miniature Schnauzer dog. Named after the electric Stitch cousin.

Honorable mentions:
- "Absol" and "Houndour": Stray dogs we found roaming near our house one day. Named after dog and dog-like Pokemon. Abandoned by their previous owners at the mountains, now happily adopted by other people (we couldn't take care of them). "Houndour" is now Teddy, and he's been adopted by our next-door neighbour, so I can still visit him! :smile:

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« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2023 @825.83 »

my last cat was named Alonzo, after a particular side-character from Cats the musical. he looked just like him and i love Cats so it felt appropriate :grin: sadly he died of a sudden respiratory illness last year, so right now my husband and i don't have a pet. my last pet before Alonzo was a chihuahua named Beans, who also passed away a few years ago, but she was hella old so it wasn't as gut-wrenching as losing Alonzo was lol.

We have two turtles, Stinky - because we took her from an abandoned house. She hadn't been fed for months and was living off algae growing in her tank of disgusting water and according to the vet was near death. The other is named Shelley. If we ever get another, I'm calling it Fluffy, because I can.

i am obsessed with Stinky as a name for any animal, i think it's the funniest name ever

My long-dead lizards : ( were named Jekyll, Hyde (those two were Carolina Anoles), Kruger, & Pamela (those two were some sort of whiptailed lizards
I want to start keeping leeches, in which case I'll name them after fictional vampires & VtM/VtR stuff (Dracula, Carmilla, Varney, Orlok, Tzimisce, Sascha, et cetera)

unironically you sound like the coolest person ever, i didn't know leeches were a creature that could be kept as a pet!

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