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Author Topic: Popular games that you like  (Read 1119 times)
« on: March 07, 2023 @437.23 »

I think a lot of topics on these forums are about appreciating old, obscure and unloved games, and that's super cool!

But in a world where people have made it a sport to hate on Fortnite, League of Legends, Destiny and FIFA, is it not also counter-culture to appreciate these games for once?

For example, I've recently started playing Valorant, the CS:GO-like shooter by the developers of League of Legends, and it is actually pretty fun! The toxicity can be a bit much but I have gotten around it by making a "gimmick" account: my in-game name is NonToxic and I am going to be aggressively pleasant to everyone. :loved: That makes laughing off hate a lot easier. Plus they have a lot of queer characters!

Feel free to share which popular games you enjoy!
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First 1000 Members!Goose!Pocket Icelogist!High Speed Ozwomp!Joined 2022!
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2023 @482.04 »

im big on final fantasy xiv myself, i’ve played like 2500 hours of it since last april.  just had to go and get myself attached to my player character lol! :ozwomp:  :pc:

"I would have thought you to be above something so banal as despair. Am I mistaken?"

« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2023 @506.99 »

I am also a huge hostage fan of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV (which has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime).

Thankfully I dont use steam so I can't actually see my playtime but I am sure it is a lot!  :ozwomp:

I also love love love the Soulsborne franchise, eagerly waiting for the next DLC!
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First 1000 Members!Goose!Pocket Icelogist!High Speed Ozwomp!Joined 2022!
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2023 @517.48 »

Thankfully I dont use steam so I can't actually see my playtime but I am sure it is a lot!  :ozwomp:

if you type /playtime into the chat bar you can see your playtime anyway (the real question is: do you want to?!)

asides from final fantasy xiv i also really like monster hunter, my favourite is probably world or generations ultimate but i like all of them except rise


"I would have thought you to be above something so banal as despair. Am I mistaken?"

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« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2023 @554.64 »

Counter-culture to hate, you say...

My 430 hours in Cyberpunk 2077 would like a word.

That's quite literally my all-time record of hours in any game I've ever played.

Second place is taken by Dragon Age: Inquisition, which proudly stands at 346 hours.

Also, ironically, more often than not considered the worst in the series (still popular on the wider scale though, since it's Dragon Age), yet here I am.

Other than that - Mass Effect, Saints Row, Life is Strange...

As you can see, I don't much play multuplayer  :grin:

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« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2023 @606.28 »

I like playing Genshin Impact! I know the fandom has a really bad rep (it's actually what kept me from trying the game out for a long time haha), and there's also valid criticism like lack of body-type and skin-color diversity in the playable characters, but the gameplay is really fun! I love exploring the world, and it's so exciting knowing that more areas will be added in the future~

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« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2023 @690.68 »

I like playing Genshin Impact! I know the fandom has a really bad rep (it's actually what kept me from trying the game out for a long time haha), and there's also valid criticism like lack of body-type and skin-color diversity in the playable characters, but the gameplay is really fun! I love exploring the world, and it's so exciting knowing that more areas will be added in the future~

I haven't played it in years but I used to play a lot of Genshin as well. Exploring the world is also what drew me in, but in the end the gameplay felt too shallow and I never really respond well to gacha elements in games and stuff like that.  :ok:

Other then Genshin I'd say No Man's Sky is probably the most popular and divisive game I've played that I really loved. NMS has a lot of negative reception for valid reasons, but even when it was first released I played a ton of it. Today I think I've accrued somewhere around 300 hours in it or more. I love exploring the randomly generated worlds and discovering the landmarks and the strange randomly generated creatures. I'm also just really impressed how much of a 180 the developers have pulled in terms of the game and also community reception. The game is one of the best space sim games ever now, which could hardly be said of the game on release. I wish the game had a demo or something to let people try the game as it is today to see how much it's improved.


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« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2023 @693.51 »

Other then Genshin I'd say No Man's Sky is probably the most popular and divisive game I've played that I really loved. NMS has a lot of negative reception for valid reasons, but even when it was first released I played a ton of it.

I think it's funny how much the public opinion has shifted since the first release. I was a day 1 player as well, and although I had my fun with it, the Internet was going WILD over the missing features and unsurpassed hype... Now we're six years later, and it seems like pretty much everyone agrees it's finally a game worth playing. I think it's impressive how Hello Games got themselves out of that situation!

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« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2023 @900.05 »

i love no man's sky! i really cannot wait for joystick/hotas support for that game. i have a joystick on standby just waiting, LOL. i also have all the third-party voice packs so it feels like you have a crew and everything as you're cruising the star skies.  :cheesy:  the game has grown a lot since launch, and i'm actually really impressed with how they were able to kind of come back from the brink, having been known as a broken game.

another popular game i love is the sims! the cost, though, can feel like a lot for someone just now getting into it. i think all of the packs together are priced at like $500 for everything? but over time it feels like less of a big deal. i just love simulation games, and the sims needs some competition to really make the life simulation genre. but i love the functionality of the game: being able to design a house and the people living inside of it, with both aspects of the game being enthralling and fun, is definitely something i get the urge to do every now and then when i'm feeling like i want to do something creative. the amount of custom content is incredible. there's a lot of talented folks in the sims modding communities.
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« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2023 @905.34 »

I love The Binding of Isaac!! Maybe it's not as popular as Fortnite but it is a pretty recognized and beloved indie game that spawns theories and goofy playthroughs on Youtube  :ozwomp: I love its lore, its themes of religious guilt and the "ugly" side of the human body, the roguelike format, and how everything is super cute despite what is portraying is actually super-duper gross  :ozwomp:


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