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Author Topic: Tarr's art  (Read 2450 times)
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« on: March 25, 2023 @960.15 »

UPDATE 20.01.2024 - I am shortening this intro 'cause I annoy myself at how big it is lol

Strong girls and broken noses - or so I've been told my art is best described. A fair warning: Broken noses mean some blood visuals, but I don't draw gore, so don't worry. Just, uh, some strawberry jam here and there.

Anyway, since today is my birthday, I figured I might as well finally create an


So, what do I have to show off? Well, first of all:

~ A general gallery of my own characters and fan art ~

Second of all: a comic that can be read on IT'S OWN WEBSITE and COMICFURY.

It also has ITS OWN gallery, in which I post art related to the story and its characters.

Thank you for your gracious attention, I may continue to drop the new arts and stuff here in this thread, if you'll have me <3

(and come read my psychological 'girl shonen' if that's up your alley - this is not a promo, I'm just looking for my readers, so it's a non-obligatory invitation) :4u:
« Last Edit: January 19, 2024 @963.31 by tarraxahum » Logged

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2023 @908.53 »

Ooph this is a super impressive post; I finally sat down to read the whole thing today and it's an amazing job! That's a huge amount of work! I love the world-building and the main character - I'd like to hear more about this city and its sectors, how it got split up this way, and the contrast between life in the different areas. Cultural contrast is always one of the most fun storytelling tools  :grin:

As for criticisms; its never good to be all positive - so I would say part 3 lost me a bit; there were too many characters for me so I found it hard to figure out who's who, ultimately I skimmed some of it looking for the main girl to come back - maybe consider cutting that chapter down.

It picked up again in part 4 though, and I was left very intrigued to know more about L's condition and what was happening with her; I hope she manages to have something proper to eat and a bath after all that!

There's room to improve, but it's definitely worth focusing on! I know this thread has not gotten a huge amount of attention; but don't be discouraged by that, there is so much compressed here!

On a vaguely related rift; I learned this week that human brains have shrunk about 20% in the last 10k years as we have become less violent, same with dogs and cows - apparently human domestication is a thing and it very much affects us - also a reduced sexual dimorphism is a trend of domestication - I'm not sure if that's useful, but since your story has themes around that it made me think of it!

Overall though, I can totally see this being a printed novel someday so I don't think you should rule that out :cheerR:

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« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2023 @990.98 »

Thank you @Melooon ! Don't worry, am definitely not getting discouraged - it felt good to put my stuff out there, and it's going to be here when it's someone else's turn to stumble upon it :3

Thanks for the critical comment also, it's always interesting and useful to learn how others percieve your stuff. I will say, I did have my suspicions that dropping the main character for a whole chapter when the story is just beginning is a bold move and may confuse people a bit. But at the same time I felt that I have to establish considerable stakes for the team's leader to change her mind after how the second part ended, and since the team overall is going to be just as much important as the MC going forward, I took a gamble, mixing the action (to establish the Arena) with expositional dialogue. Sort of like those books where the POV is changing every chapter!

I can see now that it didn't work out quite as smoothly as I'd hoped, so I'll think about it and definitely take it to heart when planning future chapters  :4u:

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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2023 @911.63 »

Am not gonna drop every single thing I draw in here, but... I really kinda wanted to share this one (which am not putting under spoiler for size, 'cause hey, art is the point of the thread) (I have remembered that 'recent posts' feature exists. Sorry everyone! Spoilered now!)

Dedicated to everyone who, like me, gets stuck in their own head a lot.


« Last Edit: January 19, 2024 @963.90 by tarraxahum » Logged

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« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2023 @75.69 »

Who wants some The Owl House Finale (SPOILERS) fanart  :ozwomp:


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« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2023 @600.24 »

A nice occasion to remember that I have an art topic here:



"Why change the past, when you can own this day?" (c)
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« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2024 @963.16 »

Ah, it's been a while since I made a post here, hasn't it? Well, let me boast some chosen new arts I've got since then!

So, some Baldur's Gate 3 fanart first (I was not immune to the BG3 hype!):

"featuring my Tav and Karlach"


Then this one Dragon Age Inquisition fanart (really love how it turned out still):

"with my Trevelyan and Sera"

A fanart for a webcomic Neo Automisia:

"big gif, may take a while to load"

And finally, of course, some of my OC gals:

"Lyoka in some bright colors"

"SWEAR WORD WARNING - Jo and Leah with some funky belt buckles"

"and Nia free running"

Much more stuff at my gallery and the PoF sibling of it, but those gotta be the heavy hitters (that I can show) :D Thank you for your attention  :4u:

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« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2024 @100.89 »

(I was not immune to the BG3 hype!)
I haven't played it yet but I am strongly convinced to buy it once I see a sale  :ozwomp: How has it been? I JUST NOTICED THE dragon age art too, Also something I was considering playing oh dearr,,  :tnt: so many games so little time

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« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2024 @873.88 »

How has it been?

YESSSS I think it's totally worth a try (especially if you get it on sale)!!! The gameplay has been a bit of a learning curve for me, since I wasn't familiar with previous games (became kinda easier after I played some actual D&D), and I gotta say at some points the world seems so large and the quests so plenty that I was straight up fearing the sheer scope of it all - but after I braved through that fear it was VERY fun :D

Karlach is my absolute sweetheart I love her SO much!!! Be warned, in case you're not too deep in spoilers, characters' stories in this game are veeeery good at pulling at your heartstrings (isn't that why we love RPGs though?). There's some critique to be had about some characters clearly getting more attention from the devs than others, but what is in there is damn good I'd say.

Dragon Age I've been a fan of since 2015 and honestly Baldur's Gate 3 is reminiscent of Dragon Age: Origins in some of the best ways (the camp scenes and a non-voiced protagonist with a vast selection of dialogue options, at times unhinged, being the main ones), so I'd like, definitely recommend that series too, whenever you have time to start a new game! DAO feels quite dated by now, of course, but it still has its major charm. (Although I personally am a big fan of DA:I, which is. An unpopular opinion to have in this fandom, but I don't care x) )

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« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2024 @500.66 »

Rewatched Kill la Kill, which used to be my big fandom back in 2013-2014, got very nostalgic and drew a couple of fanarts.

One is just a warm up portrait kinda thingy of Ryuko

"When no ideas come - draw a floating head shot, such is the wisdom of life"

And the other one is actually a redraw! I used to have a roleplaying blog on Tumblr as Ryuko, and the main image at the desktop theme was this edgy kinda pic that I drew myself. A decade later I'm pretty sure I got much better at drawing edgy pics, so I just had to have a go at it again  :grin:

"If the character is a delinquent getting in constant fights it's not that much of a stretch to draw them smoking"

"And here's the ten-year-old original, in case anyone's interested :D"

I am not biased towards one singular character, what are you talking about

"Why change the past, when you can own this day?" (c)
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2024 @217.48 »

Absolutely phenomenal art. I'm endlessly marveling at how people can draw so perfectly like that.
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« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2024 @683.30 »

Absolutely phenomenal art. I'm endlessly marveling at how people can draw so perfectly like that.

You know, I've spent so many years looking at others' art with that same thought, that having it be said about mine short-circuited me a little bit. In a good way. Not fishing for more compliments in any way, just saying it's nice to get out of your own head sometimes.

So thank you! I'm flattered that this is your impression of my art! I wouldn't call it perfect, 'cause there are always ways to grow and I know I definitely have some, but I'm gonna relish in that a bit anyway :grin: I'd say that it's all hard work, but honestly for me it's more of a "It's all getting obsessed and various characters and drawing them so much you eventually improve"  :ok:

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« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2024 @779.42 »

oh my GOD i love your style!!!  :transport:  :transport:  :transport: seriously it's so fresh and adorable and you've got some amazing skills!

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« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2024 @536.17 »

oh my GOD i love your style!!!  :transport:  :transport:  :transport: seriously it's so fresh and adorable and you've got some amazing skills!

Oh, how have I not replied to this? Thank you so much! <3 :ozwomp:

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« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2024 @621.86 »

I have come to share a more recent batch of art :ozwomp: I draw rather often and don't feel like pinging the thread every time, but then I forget and end up with a lot of stuff I wanna show! Gah!

Four categories this time:


You will never guess who my favorite character(s) is.

"Saving a researcher in distress from a scary monster"

"Running out of time"

"Quick cute comic about Laios and Falin as kids"

DRAGON AGE (because the Veilguard is comiiiing)

Drew this cool action shot of Sera 'cause she's my favorite DA character ever

"Tempests don't open bottles with their teeth but the post is badass so"

My Inq and Sera looking at All That Crap happening

"My Inky was late to the gameplay trailer confrontation 'cause she's a Friend of Red Jenny and was helping people on the street"

And finally a very recent redraw on an old portrait of Kinara (my Inq)

"Lineless art is not my favorite thing so I surprised even myself"

"Here's a comparison to the old one from 2016"

POF (aka my comic aka my main OCs)

"Just a Lyoka 'cause she's my silly bean"

"Also Lyoka but a little bloody 'cause I was experimenting with brushes"

"The cast meeting as kids! Always loved pictures like this"

"Lan realizing her friends kinda look like someone and being a geek about it"

"WARNING: very bloody (but nothing graphic): Dawn after her last fight. She quit after that."


"Glitch, a fun AI (the fictional kind) in a cyborg body, designed after the robot toys of 2000s. A bit eye-strainy!"

"Alex, one of my first ever OCs ever. I later stole her name."

"A redraw of my ACTUAL first ever OC. From Speed Racer universe."

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