I am currently catching up on a lot of writing I have to do for Uni, which doesn't really have a deadline but I really want to have behind me. I'm knocking out around three of these reports per day so I'll probably take another week or two for that (I already have most of them done though yayy!)
Other than that I am completely redoing my website from scratch (as you can tell when you follow my website link LMAO) and making a mini zine a week for fun!
I also am planning on a couple more things once I'm done with all my reporting and whatnot:
1. Finishing my zine on the old web revival that is due at the beginning of next semester (w ill probably also post that here!)
2. Customizing my Casio with some features I want, mainly swatch time, a pomodoro timer and a thermometer
3. Adding Bluetooth and a USB-C port to my ipod classic and also USB-C to my Vita (and maybe 2ds XL if i can be bothered)
4. Another class project on sexualized discrimination & violence