Casual Poster

 ⛺︎ My Room

« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2023 @25.45 » |
I would buy an infinite amount of Tacos from Taco Bell all to myself >
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2023 @47.62 » |
I would create the infrastructure that everyone needs to live well without the use of money. At the bare minimum, free food, clothes, and shelter for everyone in perpetuity. No questions asked and done as sustainably as possible.
I think you nailed it in the first reply. Infinite money would totally destroy the economy so there should be no one wanting for necessities. Scarcity would still exist though so maybe it'd just result in infinite inflation rather than utopia  In less literal terms where money doesn't lose all value and going fully selfish, I'd buy myself an island and retreat from the world.
Casual Poster

 ⛺︎ My Room

« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2023 @180.39 » |
I would create my own city, ban all cars from it, give everyone free apartments, healthcare, and public transportation. I would also plant a bunch of trees and plants so that the city would practically be one big park to the point that the city looks "abandoned" but at the same time not so much, kinda hard to explain what the city would actually look like.
Would anyone like to be in my big park city?
I think the only thing I would take is the healthcare, But otherwise I'd be more happier where I'm at, Just in a home deep in the woods. Alone, Comfy, no worrying about neighbors.