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Author Topic: Your ambience  (Read 1967 times)
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First 1000 Members!MARIO64.PNGCool Dude AwardJoined 2022!High Speed Ozwomp!
« on: May 04, 2023 @154.91 »

What do you like for ambient music? Video game OST's? Ambient nature sounds? People talking?

Personally I've been on a huge kick of Silent Hill ambience
This mix is what I have on as of writing this:

I also really like rain, nintendo mixes and this channel that makes bladerunner/cyberpunk esque mixes:


"Will you stop adding lampposts to my games?"

« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2023 @538.66 »

What do you like for ambient music? Video game OST's? Ambient nature sounds? People talking?

Personally I've been on a huge kick of Silent Hill ambience
Yesss, (some) Silent Hill music is so good for zoning out to, or for trying to concentrate. Akira Yamaoka is probably one of my favourite producers, mostly for his work on Silent Hill and the work he's done for Grasshopper Manufacture.

As for myself, I've been relaxing to a lot of Yume Nikki music (as always) but I particularly enjoy this video as it places the original soundtrack next to the updated Dream Diary version of some tracks. It's nice hearing the differences, even if I still prefer the original soundtrack! If you read the description for the video there are timestamps: YN = original, DD = updated.

Pink sea, Poniko's Room, and Working... Please Wait... are among my favourites!
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First 1000 Members!MARIO64.PNGCool Dude AwardJoined 2022!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2023 @574.27 »

I've played the game but never payed attention to the soundtrack, I'm gonna give that a listen while I write tonight!!

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« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2023 @591.17 »

I assume that random playlist of loud rock music does not exactly count as 'ambience', does it  :grin:

The last couple of days though I've been listening to this:

'Cause it's a background music for a theme I installed on my browser but also because it genuinely helps me concentrate for some reason.

As far as more... "natural" ambience goes, however, whenever I need that it's usually something like this:

Rain and cars driving by. Or just cars, even. I miss living in the city, can you tell. Whenever we visit if there's a road nearby I leave the windows open, if my designated roommates allow me.

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« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2023 @651.18 »

I enjoy listening to long ambient videos to focus while working or just as a background at the end of the day when I need to relax from sometimes stressful days.

This is the one I enjoy the most. Very calming and peaceful.

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2023 @680.89 »

If I just need background noise I’ll usually just put on rain sounds, Iv even recorded a few that you can download on my site along with background humming from a fan.

But often if I need to go to sleep, or I’m on a train and I want a moment to relax I put on this song (Postscript by Bowery Electric) it’s about 16 minutes long and it’s super moody yet a bit sinister  :evil:


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First 1000 Members!MARIO64.PNGCool Dude AwardJoined 2022!High Speed Ozwomp!
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2023 @945.47 »

Yesss, (some) Silent Hill music is so good for zoning out to, or for trying to concentrate. Akira Yamaoka is probably one of my favourite producers, mostly for his work on Silent Hill and the work he's done for Grasshopper Manufacture.

As for myself, I've been relaxing to a lot of Yume Nikki music (as always) but I particularly enjoy this video as it places the original soundtrack next to the updated Dream Diary version of some tracks. It's nice hearing the differences, even if I still prefer the original soundtrack! If you read the description for the video there are timestamps: YN = original, DD = updated.

Pink sea, Poniko's Room, and Working... Please Wait... are among my favourites!
I listened to it and I actually quite liked it! Made me feel very at peace but creative.

I assume that random playlist of loud rock music does not exactly count as 'ambience', does it  :grin:

The last couple of days though I've been listening to this:

'Cause it's a background music for a theme I installed on my browser but also because it genuinely helps me concentrate for some reason.

As far as more... "natural" ambience goes, however, whenever I need that it's usually something like this:

Rain and cars driving by. Or just cars, even. I miss living in the city, can you tell. Whenever we visit if there's a road nearby I leave the windows open, if my designated roommates allow me.
I love living my window open for ambient city sounds! Also that cyberpunk mix is great!

If I just need background noise I’ll usually just put on rain sounds, Iv even recorded a few that you can download on my site along with background humming from a fan.

But often if I need to go to sleep, or I’m on a train and I want a moment to relax I put on this song (Postscript by Bowery Electric) it’s about 16 minutes long and it’s super moody yet a bit sinister  :evil:

Stealing those. I've never heard it, leave it to you to bring out some sinister track like this  :ok:

I enjoy listening to long ambient videos to focus while working or just as a background at the end of the day when I need to relax from sometimes stressful days.

This is the one I enjoy the most. Very calming and peaceful.

I completely forgot about skyrim ambience!!!

"Will you stop adding lampposts to my games?"

« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2023 @410.64 »

read "video game osts" and had many things come to mind. so... here's a bunch of stuff I like. there's def more but I think this is enough hahaaaaaaaaa
Cave Dweller Concert, Aquatic Ambiance(lol), Life in the Mines, Voices of the Temple, Northern Hemispheres - Donkey Kong Country
Forest Interlude, Stickerbush Symphony, Mining Melancholy - Donkey Kong Country 2
Frosty Frolics, Treetop Tumble, Water World, Cascade Capers - Donkey Kong Country 3
Not Safe, Empty Warehouse, Tender Sugar, Desperately Safe, The Walls Are Listening - OFF
Yuna's Decision, Blazing Desert, Underwater Ruins, The Travel Agency, Besaid Island, Illusion - Final Fantasy X
Setting Forth, The Midst of Sorrow's Gloom, Oaths Are Forever, Voice of the Wind Song of Time, New Beginnings - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Piklopedia, Emergence Cave, Rest Area, Jellyfloat Pool, Mystic Marsh - Pikmin 2
Scape Soft, Fishing, Fruits de Mer, Floating Free, Waterfall, Background, Dragontooth Island, Emotion - Old School RuneScape
Bart of the Clown Lands
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« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2023 @32.13 »

Abul Mogard is my absolute favorite. His compositions are mostly hazy, flowy, like morning fog or half forgotten dream

Benoit Pioulard also has nice looped compostions, great for bg noise

Haircuts for Men is more vaporwavy but super chill

Tbh i have a lot of ambient music in my playlists so it would be huge post x)

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2023 @37.71 »

Tbh i have a lot of ambient music in my playlists so it would be huge post x)

If you haven't got them already; you might enjoy these two! :grin:


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« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2023 @148.43 »

I have a huuuuge playlist that's like 300 hours long if not more (went to check, it's 355hs lol), full of soundtracks of games and movies and tv shows I've seen/played. I just put that on shuffle whenever I want ambient music.
I'd say my favorites would be the Night in the woods soundtrack (here's my favorite song, astral alley), the How to train your dragon soundtrack (mandatory forbidden friendship) and the The untamed soundtrack (if I'm dead play qing xin yin - luan po chao and if I don't rise from the dead then I'm actually gone)
But as you'd guess from the lenght of the playlist, there's lots and lots of stuff there. From anime to mario kart to the Titanic.
OH, the puella magi madoka magica soundtrack. The artist just CREATED A COMPLETELY NEW LANGUAGE for it to be sung in. not deranged at all. I can't concentrate if I'm listening to it and I don't think it counts as ambience because it has lyrics, but I couldn't not mention it.

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« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2023 @941.32 »

the large landscape of ambient music makes it one of my fav genres ever. i've definitely spun the likes of the silent hill and yume nikki soundtracks a good amount before, as well as that bowery electric beat album in general!
i bounce back and forth between the types of ambient i'm in the mood for. there's drone, dark ambient, field recordings, lowercase, spoken word and more vocal ambience, walls of ocean noise, white and brown noise, the prev-mentioned soundtrack type, and a lot of other dreamy varieties inbetween. all of which rotate as my go-to background music for working or falling asleep to. there's also an ever growing scene of it that's sprawled out of soundcloud and bandcamp, that remixes and makes sets out of their favorite songs while adding a hazy layer of drawn out melodic sensibilities, that ambient really opens the door for exploring. which i really enjoy and hope to contribute to sometime too.
some all timers for me though are:

ambient favs
the angels of comfort by iasos

hora aurea by cabaret du ciel

reflections in suspension by steve roach

puppy power by dj lostboi

blood and innocence by yves tumor

nana (like a star made for me) by malibu

call me by gigi masin
« Last Edit: June 29, 2023 @943.36 by glow » Logged
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« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2023 @393.36 »

As for myself, I've been relaxing to a lot of Yume Nikki music (as always) but I particularly enjoy this video as it places the original soundtrack next to the updated Dream Diary version of some tracks. It's nice hearing the differences, even if I still prefer the original soundtrack!

I love this. I never before thought of using this soundtrack as ambience, it's so perfect. This game is truly the best.

Personally I do a lot of skyrim ambience, or videos that put you in situations!! Like camping and similar. But my favorite ever is just popping the good ol' "it's raining somewhere else", from undertale, with added rain. I fall and wake up to this (there's a 10 hour version), and it never fails to make me very happy and cozy. It feels like home to me, which is funny because there's a track from the game called "home".

It's Raining Somewhere Else - 1hr version (Seamless Loop+Rain Background) by FrolickShiawase on Youtube

edit: added the video title and source
« Last Edit: November 26, 2023 @64.46 by GraphiteCore » Logged

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« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2023 @644.39 »

I usually just pick out an album like Redemption by Braindance or Draconian Times by Paradise Lost and put it on repeat while I'm working.

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« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2023 @719.39 »

i lovve this train ride through Switzerland video. it's so relaxing and peaceful, i like to put it on while i'm reading because it's not distracting at all though it has put me to sleep before XD

my other genre of ambience is usually chill cozy video game music, i like this one for studying because it's relaxing but motivating and minimally distracting


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