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Author Topic: Old Embarrassing Usernames  (Read 4267 times)
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« on: November 22, 2023 @172.40 »

I started using the internet at a very young age, and have had countless usernames and screennames over time on various websites and online games. A lot of them are embarrassing but totally understandable for a kid on the web, LOL.

Some of the ones I remember are: LpsLover5658 on Animal Jam (~2011), BrightheartTheOneAndOnly on Quotev (sometime 2010?), and real.comic.sans as an old email (2015).

What are some of your old embarrassing usernames?

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« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2023 @189.27 »

Earliest nickname I remember using was for Photobucket. I called myself “Dinoco07” because I was a huge pixar fan and it was the year 2007.

Other than that, I think I’ve always had a variant of my nickname now, these variants include, but not limited to:
Cobra! ™ (Yeah, I actually had the tm at the end for one foum. Made logging in a nightmare!)

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« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2023 @211.77 »

So. I have two contestant options for this, but one of them I actually just straight up cannot afford to say because I do not EVER want to make any kind of public post that ties my current moniker to that one no matter what. If you're a good enough cyber-sleuth, you'd definitely be able find the account if I name it fully, but basically the name was just abbreviated "Random Pile of Garbage" which was obviously embarrassingly self-deprecatory. The other is only marginally embarrassing; I used to have matching usernames with my big sister. So say I'm named July and she's named August, my username was "julynaugust" and hers was "augustnjuly". It was pretty silly and aged even worse due to the fact that neither of us go by our birth names anymore.

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« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2023 @346.77 »

I used to go by Xx_Imblue_xX

i thought it was the coolest username on the internet  :ohdear:

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« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2023 @647.43 »

I used the name "supersonic" for a while. (I still think it's cool! But it's very hard to get that username on any websites now.)

Another one (won't name here - too many embarrassing profiles would be found with a quick search, but you can sleuth it out elsewhere on this forum probably) was just taken wholesale from someone else online. I couldn't think of a name and saw someone else who had it and realized "hey, it's possible! I'll use that name!" That was kind of how I picked the name I use now with a little twist of my own (seeing someone who was named Myles and realizing that a real person could be named Myles).

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« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2023 @681.99 »

My first e-mail was magic[redacted]@genericitalianprovider.it where [redacted] was my real name. ;__;
This was back when I was in middle school and I thought I was so cool back then.

MAGIC was so cool... right? I was a big fan of majokko anime like Creamy Mami, Sailor Moon and Megu-chan. 

I also used that username to write on some of my first forums and well into my high school years.
So... a few friends I made during that period still recognize me from that embarrassing nickname, ahah. 

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« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2023 @836.86 »

I can't say it for obvious reasons, but my system's Webkinz username is <deadname><agab>. Unfortunately the Webkinz code is so old that old usernames can't be changed, so we can't really give out our username without almost doxing ourselves, but we've gotten used to it and we've given it out to irl friends who know we're transgender.

Aside from that, I don't really think any other nicknames were that bad that I can remember. I'd also rather not give them since I don't think they were ever fully scrubbed from the internet. The Webkinz one is notable because we still use the account :dog:

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« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2023 @875.56 »

mine was busisdead :ohdear:

I thought I was soooo edgy lol. For context my old nickname was Bus (dont ask.) so it was basically saying that I'm dead. Dark times :tnt:

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« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2023 @240.13 »

I used to have "firestar" and then a random series of numbers afterwards.....because I was super obsessed with Warrior Cats at the time  :ohdear:

I'm mostly disappointed in myself for defaulting to the main character's name. If I'm being honest, Firestar wasn't even that interesting of a protagonist...

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« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2023 @562.69 »

seeing a couple of warrior cats usernames in here is funny, i feel like so many people within my general age range were using the internet as children for warrior cats specifically.

i immediately wanted to reply to this thread because one of my oldest and most embarrassing usernames inadvertently led to my name being Kiki, which obviously lives on today, and i think the story is funny. there's an old forum that was called vocaloidotaku.net (it's defunct now unfortunately, and has been for years) - i found it in 2012 or so when i was really getting into vocaloid for the first time, and i decided while joining that i needed to change up my username, my usual warrior cats themed ones weren't going to cut it. i guess i thought at the time that i needed to be cool or fit in somehow, and since vocaloid was a primarily japanese interest, i thought i should give myself a japanese username, so i did what any uncultured child who just found out what anime was would do... look up a list of japanese girl names and pick one basically at random LOL (i would not do this anymore, obviously!)

so i settled on the name kiyoko and went with the username kiyoko-chan... or so i thought. i actually made a typo and didn't notice until i had already signed up for the site, and i didn't know how to change it or if you even could, so i ended up being stuck with kiyoki-chan. i made some very close and immeasurably important friends on vocaloidotaku, one of which gave me the nickname "Kiki" by taking out the two "ki" syllables in my username, which would not have happened if i didn't make that erroneous typo!! i've been using the name Kiki ever since 2012 because of this, and even though i stopped using Kiyoki-chan and variants a long time ago, it's stuck with me. i even go by it in real life even though i haven't changed my legal name or anything, and i consider it to be my true name. i am still in contact with this friend and while we aren't as close as we used to be, we joke about how they are basically my dad because they named me, lol. thank god i made that typo when i was 12.

i've had plenty of other embarrassing usernames, probably so many that i don't know all of them offhand, since i changed usernames a million times over the course of my adolescence. like i said before, i had a lot of warrior cat usernames, and one of them had the prefix of "ivy" - this is also amusing because my sister inadvertently also went by ivy as a kid online for a while without knowing that i, too, went by ivy as a kid because of that username. not sharing those for privacy reasons. and i certainly used those xXNameHereXx type usernames a lot, which are goofy looking back on it, but i have nostalgia for them.

anyways i'm probably going on way too long about this LOL but yeah this topic is fun to me

- kiki

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« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2023 @934.47 »

I made my Roblox account when I was 12, and I still use it. However, that means I am stuck with the username "chubbyunicorn52" unless I want to spend $10 to change it. That same username was also my PlayStation Network gamertag before I made my current one, except there was an underscore before the 52. My first PSN gamertag wasn't even one that I picked. My sister made my account for me and made the gamertag "mangoslol_123".
Not to mention my old tumblr URLs. They're too many to list, but I was 13 at the time, and my favourite band was Fall Out Boy and I watched a lot of Dan and Phil on YouTube.  :drat:

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« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2023 @161.97 »

finally, my time has come...i have had so many embarrassing usernames it's not even funny. sure back in the early 2010's these types of usernames may have been run of the mill, but in the year 2023 they fill me with dread...

for context, i was a young autistic kid just discovering anime and kawaii/harajuku culture for the first time online, as well as being really into the 'scene' look/humor/everything. some of my usernames during that time were variations on 'happyrainbowpanda' (always one word and all lowercase), mynameis<deadname>panda, that kind of thing. idk, i was living fully in my own colorful internal world at the time while being VERY sheltered lol. i had skewed ideas of what was actually 'cool' and got teased a lot by my classmates for it.

if we shoot forward a few years you'd get some of my GOD AWFUL early tumblr usernames. for a while i was really into having a black-and-white image blog and reblogging really depressing quotes and writing. i circulated between a fair amount of usernames - some along the lines of 'in-no-ce-nt' (i remember being really proud of this one lol), 'softghost' 'teenageghost' stuff like that. i know 'ofsteelandsilk' is another one that i stole from some quote on a random forum i saw.

my longest running username (up until recently) was my name on everything for somewhere between 5-6 years - toothcollection. there used to be some meaning behind it but it's been so long i don't really remember what inspired it in the first place. i'm hoping my username now - freaksaint (or freaksaint1998 when the former is taken) will stick, like, forever? since it's the name of my music project and also might be the moniker i attach to my art going forward. nowadays i prefer having one name across all platforms/accounts/etc. it's just easier  :dog:

have you guys heard of neil young?....pretty cool stuff......

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« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2023 @480.22 »

Before this username it should be "siberX" which is my Soldier front IGN which sometimes they called as Cyber S*x which I'm so innocent back in the day and I don't know the meaning of it until I was a teenager which embarrassed me a lot... so now then I changed it to sidex15 which is my username until now...
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« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2023 @673.44 »

Some of the ones in this thread are actually very cute.. :evil:

there are almost certainly some juicy details you could find if i dug up my REALLY old usernames from the 2000s or early 2010s.. but the most incriminating one by far would have to be the countless oranges_chan accounts.  i know for a fact there is art on pinterest and probably plenty of other places under that name.  now i just go by my real name on anything attached to my art anyway.  it's just easier and i might as well be honest to myself that its me and just me in my heart that comes to that art.  i dont really know what i would have to gain from using a pseudonym.

the only other ones interesting enough to talk about are some of my soulseek usernames.  i always lose my soulseek accounts because i forget the logins.. some of the ones i remember are pisschrist, jesus_jail, and pisschrist2  :happy:
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« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2023 @719.18 »

Ahh, I love reading these, they’re so fun. My very first username coincided with the big Volkswagen Beetle rebrand of the early ’00s. I guess their marketing was just, like, weirdly aimed at kids? Because a bunch of my friends who weren’t into cars also thought they were cool. So:  beetlebug294 it was.

My first post-Beetlebug AOL screen name was randomoblivion4. I wanted “beautiful oblivion” a la the Eve 6 heart-in-a-blender song, but all the iterations I could think of that were taken. And around this time, for whatever reason, everybody thought the word “random” was very cool. Also around this time I started using faithinthesummer, which was my mishearing of “fades in the summer” from Blink-182's "Feeling This". Then I started high school, AOL became AIM, and I changed my screen name to omg ima zebra. Again, just really going for that ✨random✨ vibe.

By far the most embarrassing was my MySpace custom URL. When MySpace was getting its first surge in popularity c. 2005, the idea of being “scene” was still relatively obscure, and it was cool, for a very brief moment in time, to actually claim the word “scene” and use it in your display names and custom URLS. So, when it came time to pick my custom MySpace URL, oohsoscene seemed like a good choice. Of course, it instantly aged like milk. Once too many people co-opted it, the “true” scenesters started to distance themselves from the term, because the whole point was to use it to differentiate themselves from normies. But I was stuck with it, because there’s no way to change your MySpace URL. C’est la vie!
« Last Edit: December 13, 2023 @751.09 by pagemelt » Logged
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