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Author Topic: AMVs of the 00s !!  (Read 3917 times)
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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« on: June 28, 2022 @62.20 »

Why do we not have a topic about this! I had an inexplicable obsession with Mew Mew AMVs (Anime Music Video) when I was about 14 and I was looking back at them recently (and archiving a few of my favourites).

Did you make them? They always seemed like so much work to me I was super impressed by anyone who could do them!
Do you have any favourites?

(Also fun fact I er.. sold this video as an in-game item on a game called Whirled and it was really popular! Sorry video creator from 14 years ago!)

I also loved this channel by meworeo.. their last video is a preview and I remember it was 9 months old when I first found it, and I e-mailed the channel owner asking when it would be out and im still waiting for a reply!!

« Last Edit: June 28, 2022 @656.61 by Melooon » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2022 @631.26 »

Oh nooooo. Suddenly so many cringey memories of my young self are coming back...

I made three AMVs in high school that were all sappy and embarrassing. Thankfully I never shared them anywhere and the files were lost to time and Windows ME.

I'm glad that Temple o' Trunks somehow managed to survive all these years, because this is where I first discovered AMVs.


If the download links still work, I recommend "Ten Dirty Words" :grin:
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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2022 @661.11 »

Wow this is a whole other era of AMVs I was unaware of :omg: I updated the thread title accordingly!

If the download links still work
They do! You have to sign up to their forum, which seems to still be quite active! https://www.animemusicvideos.org/forum/ then they send you through some very obscure donation pages.. but eventually you get your download and "Ten Dirty Words" was not worth it :tongue:

But its a great find thank you!

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« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2022 @109.44 »

"Ten Dirty Words" was not worth it :tongue:

But its a great find thank you!

Haha, you're welcome. AMVs are what got me into video editing, which was a huge mistake because I'm the only person at work who can do vide:ha:animation and I hate it! Any time they need a marketing video, they'll come to me but my skills are just barely serviceable and the tedium of editing the timing of the audi:ha:video tracks is what hell will be like for me.

A bit tangential, and hopefully this isn't off topic enough to be transgressional, but those same video editing skills also lead to me creating this, which apparently made it to the front page of Reddit at one point. I didn't even know my friends had seen it and they didn't know I created it.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2022 @124.49 by MamboGator » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2022 @285.97 »

The Mew Mew AMVs are bringing back soooo many memories. I remember way back in the day I wanted to make AMVs so bad but the only video editing software I had access to as a 12 year old was Windows Movie Maker :tongue: I never felt confident enough in my Movie Maker attempts to post them when I would see all the cool shape transitions and whatnot people with software like Sony Vegas could pull off haha.

This is still my all time favorite AMV! Ga-Rei Zero is my favorite anime of all time and the original BRS OVA is a up there as well. A perfect blend of two series that perfectly complement each other :loved:

« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2022 @394.20 »

AMVs don't ring a bell, but in my... *sigh* in my brony phase when I was like 12, I used to listen to a guy called Ken Ashcorp make MLP-themed music videos.

I shudder.
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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2022 @471.78 »

MLP-themed music videos
Iv never understood why people get so into My Little Pony, but I have heard a few great MLP remixes!

The Mew Mew AMVs are bringing back soooo many memories.
Also here's another mew amv :cheerR:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2022 @475.60 by Melooon » Logged

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« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2022 @585.37 »

Iv never understood why people get so into My Little Pony

Honestly, I have nothing to do with the show or fandom anymore, but back when I was into it, I just enjoyed the simple mundane nature of things that was new to me. It was a surprisingly engaging show about friendship and slice-of-life, when every other cartoon on offer was about action and violence. I have never been a horse person, so that part did not appeal to me specifically, but I enjoyed the worldbuilding and the little details the show cared to establish. Something in my brain is tickled by sorting things into categories and generics, and the idea of having a natural tattoo that appeared when you find your inherent purpose just fulfilled that weird mental need for me, for example.

When it got darker and more action oriented with season 4 or whatever it was, I dropped it like hot coals and never looked back. And of course, the community was really creepy at times so that was another factor.
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« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2022 @657.47 »

AMVs don't ring a bell, but in my... *sigh* in my brony phase when I was like 12, I used to listen to a guy called Ken Ashcorp make MLP-themed music videos.

I shudder.

Honestly, this was the exact same case with me. I wasn't super into anime until I graduated high school, so my closest experience with old AMVs was PMVs. There used to be a time when I would go on Equestria Daily every day just to check whatever new videos were up and I found a whole lot of new music at a young age because of that.

The most nostalgic PMV to me would probably have to be the Rainbow Dash one set to You're Gonna Go Far Kid lmaoooo.

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« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2022 @780.57 »

I made a number of AMVs and whatever is the cartoon equivalent of that, some of them are still on Youtube while others, not so lucky. I've always been too impatient to put a lot of effects etc into them, I liked it when the clips matched with the music, whether in rhythm or lyric meaning.

As for TMM AMVs, I was able to find one I used to watch. Looks like there was an... attempt of making it seem like the characters are singing and match some of the images with the lyrics.

What's kind of crazy to me is that there are videos I watched soooo many times as a kid, that were legendary to me... And now when I check them, they have maybe 1k views.
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« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2022 @838.91 »

Oh, I've watched AMVs, I've made AMVs, I still make AMVs from time to time (and GMVs, a.k.a. Game Music Videos, and all other kinds of fandom MVs). Not Mew Mew though, and all my works that are worth showing would be of the 10s and even 20s, and the only videos I've made in teeechnically the late 00s would be Speed Racer movie edits, so not even AMVs…and with not much of "editing" involved :drat: Still love them as landmarks of where I've started though.

I will say I've always enjoyed making a music video that incorporates the whole song or at least most of it, like, whole 2:30 - 5:30 duration range. Yes, that's a lot of work, but you could really tailor the scenes to match the lyrics, maybe add some quotes, some people even did whole alternative plots with editing. So the format speaks to me.

Nowadays I'm a grumpy grandpa shaking my cane at "kids" and their 5-seconds-long rapid-fire edits where you can barely see the character before it's over and half the frames are repeating, I mean sure they're also complicated to make (I've tried! My respect!), but where's the fun in that? I still make my AMVs (etc.) long, even though they're out of fashion :grin:

Now to actually contribute to the time period of the topic: combing through AMVs that are not mine but I very often rewatch, the oldest I can give you is 13 years old, so again, technically still the 00s! :cheesy: Love the song, love the editing, love the characters, so…


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« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2022 @851.68 »

It makes me sad that today's generation considers these "cringe" or whatever. I've always found them fun to watch and a good way of finding new songs and bands that I like.

Honestly I still enjoy them no matter what the current-day culture thinks of it. People are always offended by something anyway.
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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2022 @861.60 »

It makes me sad that today's generation considers these "cringe" or whatever. I've always found them fun to watch and a good way of finding new songs and bands that I like.

Honestly I still enjoy them no matter what the current-day culture thinks of it. People are always offended by something anyway.

Mantra of the web revival; Cringe Culture is Dead, Everything is Cool Now! :cheesy:


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« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2022 @862.86 »

Nowadays I'm a grumpy grandpa shaking my cane at "kids" and their 5-seconds-long rapid-fire edits where you can barely see the character before it's over and half the frames are repeating, I mean sure they're also complicated to make (I've tried! My respect!), but where's the fun in that? I still make my AMVs (etc.) long, even though they're out of fashion :grin:

I guess it's easier to avoid copyright with the short things vs full song as well as heavy editing vs clips getting caught in content ID? I kind of stopped making AMVs when everything got removed for copyright. Nowadays my videos are like 10 seconds and the audio is something funny and I make the characters on screen say it. Way less of a hassle ^^'''
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« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2022 @892.82 »

Nowadays my videos are like 10 seconds and the audio is something funny and I make the characters on screen say it. Way less of a hassle ^^'''

I mean, I can totally get it. First of all, short funny vids with characters saying incorrect quotes (or the like) are a genre of their own and those I do like. But I also get the hustle part. Like, every time I suddenly get inspired to make a MV I'm swearing and asking myself "WHY did I think it's a good idea:dunno:" in, like, a minute.

But then again, the way I approach many things probably looks masochistic for an outsider. If I'm not cursing then I'm probably not properly interested in what I'm doing :grin:

It makes me sad that today's generation considers these "cringe" or whatever. I've always found them fun to watch and a good way of finding new songs and bands that I like.

Honestly I still enjoy them no matter what the current-day culture thinks of it. People are always offended by something anyway.

I will say, I haven't exactly seen anyone call them "cringe". The percentage of full AMVs compared to short edits has just dropped, and to me it seems like it's harder to find full AMVs to some titles than it used to be, while the shorts are galore. That being said, they are still out there and I treasure every good one.

(Honestly I still think your fandom ship hasn't made it till there's at least one T.a.T.u song or an "Every time we touch" AMV made about them :grin:smile:

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