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Author Topic: hello, we're new to melonland!  (Read 704 times)
kiki & ayano
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devour the past

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« on: July 20, 2023 @970.35 »

hello! it's been so long since i've been able to write a proper forum introduction that i am almost overwhelmed at the possibilities. i really can just say anything, huh? well except keysmashing which i'm having to physically restrain myself not to do every other sentence. i have terrible typing habits that do not mesh well with forums these days

WELL UH, my name is kiki! you will notice from our name on the left that there's two names, kiki & ayano, and that's because we're two alters in a DID system sharing one account... and you know, one body. don't worry about knowing anything about DID when interacting with us, we'll sign forum posts with who's talking if we want to and if you have to refer to us by name, use either that or just refer to both of us at the same time. it's whatever, we're hard to bother or offend. we don't mind if people ask questions in good faith, too. we don't bite i promise LOL oh and we both use she/her primarily so no worries about remembering different pronouns, either!

as for me i'm a digital artist primarily (though kind of in remission at the moment because of burnout, oops) and i really like drawing fandom-y stuff to the point i kind of make it my own thing. i've been into pokemon since i was a 4 year old little girl and my babysitter at the time brought pokemon leafgreen to my house while watching me, in which i would watch her play it on the couch, completely enamored and badgering her with questions. ever since my mom got me the same exact GBA SP and a copy of leafgreen on my 5th birthday that year, you haven't been able to remove me from pokemon. i'm a menace about it. it is never a bad time to talk to me about pokemon. my favorite pokemon is zigzagoon! i've also been into vocaloid/vocalsynth since i stumbled on hatsune miku in my youtube suggestions in 2011 (how has it already been that long?) and more recently in the past few years, my interest in the music and art coming out of kamitsubaki studio, which has a lot of overlap with the vocaloid scene, has merged itself with my interest in vocaloid. kaf is my favorite singer on the planet and our signature references lyrics from one of her most popular songs from when she was a young person. i want to make music one day myself, but i'm currently too swamped by all my other hobbies. if you cannot tell from the length of this paragraph, my interests are really important to me.

both me and ayano share virtualobserver.moe as a personal site! it's hosted on neocities. it's still sort of barebones at the moment because this year has been crazy but i'm still really proud of the art i did for the splash page and the layout of my half of the homepage, lol. definitely intend to add a lot more to it as time continues!

i used forums avidly when i was a young person and it's a form of socialization that i've sorely missed and tried to bring back to my life in recent years, but i haven't been able to find a forum that's actually active that i jive with and hasn't moved all its activity to discord servers... i hate how everything on the web is getting eaten by discord. but i'm really excited to be here and just chill out and exist. slow down a little, etc. melonland is super cool in general!

that's about it for me sorry for making my half of this introduction so long LOL i'm just excited! and a very chatter-y person i think
- kiki

hi! my name is ayano. i'm admittedly pretty introverted, but that's why i'm tentatively excited to be using a forum again... though i'm a bit unsure of what to say about myself. hm.

i'm more of the programmer between the two of us and i consider it to be my main hobby. one day i'd like to chase down a career in computer science, though due to disability, getting a professional education won't be for a little while longer... at the moment i am just a hobbyist tinkering with HTML/CSS and javascript. like kiki, i'm into pokemon, though my interest is mainly centered around the first two generations of pokemon games on the original game boy/game boy color than the franchise as a whole. i actually got into the indie web and hobbyist website creation because of pokemon - i've been running a pokemon fansite by myself for a year and a half now called
Blue Moon Falls, which i'm extremely proud of. pretty much everything i know about javascript is through making incredibly niche tools for BMF... and i'm constantly working on one thing or another for it. it is my biggest passion project by far.

when i'm not programming, i'm probably shiny hunting - i'm really into doing thousands of encounters/resets for differently colored monsters in games that are over a decade, sometimes two decades, old i guess! it's like knitting for me. a zen-out activity. oh, and a random fun fact about me includes that i have an extremely strong sweet tooth... my friends will sometimes tease me for having the tastebuds of a child, in a friendly way. i think it's funny haha

it's nice to meet you!
- ayano

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« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2023 @995.43 »

Welcome guys!!! Your website already looks amazing, and I like how you used the middle divider to represent two different areas of the same site :)
Seems like a lot of us like Pokemon, so it's nice to have another couple fans here as well. Hope you enjoy the forum!

"Hell is other people. But that’s only that side of the coin. The other side, which no one seems to mention, is also “Heaven is each other.” … Hell is separateness, uncommunicability, self-centeredness, lust for power, for riches, for fame. Heaven, on the other hand, is very simple—and very hard: caring about your fellow beings." -Jean-Paul Sartre
kiki & ayano
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devour the past

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« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2023 @15.86 »

Welcome guys!!! Your website already looks amazing, and I like how you used the middle divider to represent two different areas of the same site :)
Seems like a lot of us like Pokemon, so it's nice to have another couple fans here as well. Hope you enjoy the forum!

thank you so much! and yeah, we were browsing some of the other introduction threads and were amused to see that there were some other pokemon fans pretty much immediately. though it's not exactly surprising, i think being into pokemon also made us curious about code from a young age... just seems like it would attract indie web people.

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Thanks for being rad!a puppy for your travelsAlways My PalFirst 1000 Members!spring 2023!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2023 @54.42 »

Hi kiki, welcome to the forum  :4u:

Zigzagoon gives me mixed feelings; they are called zigzagoon which is awesome and they are awesome; but also UGH there are so many of them when your in tall grass  :drat: How many pokemon names can you list by heart and can you sing the pokemon theme in full?? Those are the true tests  :grin:

I Hope you enjoy the forum!

Hi ayano, welcome to the forum!  :ha:

Formal programming course can be great; but they are also a tough ride; I didn't make many friends in mine and I had to repeat a year for mental health reasons - but the skills made this forum possible  :happy:

Never loose your sweet tooth! Whats your fav sweet thing?

Hope u enjoy ur time here!

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everything lost will be recovered, when you drift into the arms of the undiscovered
kiki & ayano
Casual Poster ⚓︎

devour the past

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First 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!Joined 2023!
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2023 @60.12 »

Hi kiki, welcome to the forum  :4u:

Zigzagoon gives me mixed feelings; they are called zigzagoon which is awesome and they are awesome; but also UGH there are so many of them when your in tall grass  :drat: How many pokemon names can you list by heart and can you sing the pokemon theme in full?? Those are the true tests  :grin:

I Hope you enjoy the forum!
thank you!! yeah, i never had strong feelings about zigzagoon other than "kind of annoying first route mammal pokemon" for most of my life, and then due to some unexpected developments in my pokemon journey the past few years, i am now a "first route mammal pokemon" connoisseur LOL. i love pretty much all of them, rattata is genuinely one of my favorite pokemon. point is i don't blame you.

as for pokemon names, i can name every pokemon if given a photo of one, and i can name all the original 151 kanto pokemon off the top of my head if you give me a few minutes and a blank sheet of paper, solely because i replayed leafgreen so much as a kid when it was my only pokemon game that i have all the encounter tables roughly memorized... so to name all 151 kanto pokemon, i walk through leafgreen in my head, and account for stuff like version exclusives and whatnot. kanto isn't even my favorite region, sinnoh is, so the fact that i can only do this for kanto is a bit funny lmao
- kiki

Hi ayano, welcome to the forum!  :ha:

Formal programming course can be great; but they are also a tough ride; I didn't make many friends in mine and I had to repeat a year for mental health reasons - but the skills made this forum possible  :happy:

Never loose your sweet tooth! Whats your fav sweet thing?

Hope u enjoy ur time here!
thank you! that's really cool, i hope i can do that one day as well. i feel you though, i had to drop out of college for numerous reasons, a major one being mental health, though i was studying art at the time. i've since realized i would hate making art my job, haha. i hope to go back sometime!

as for favorite sweet things, pancakes, probably. like, super american, drenched in fruit and syrup pancakes. i could eat those all day
- ayano

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« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2023 @136.72 »

Hi, @kiki & ayano. Welcome to Melon Land. I've been here less than a week myself but it's a sweet little forum. I had a look at your website and the frames are really smooth. Good job.

kiki & ayano
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devour the past

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First 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!Joined 2023!
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2023 @148.82 »

Hi, @kiki & ayano. Welcome to Melon Land. I've been here less than a week myself but it's a sweet little forum. I had a look at your website and the frames are really smooth. Good job.

thank you! though if you mean actual <frame> elements or iframes, our site actually doesn't use any! my personal journal in particular has dynamic loading through jquery, though i'm considering transitioning it into something more vanilla just... because i feel weird using jquery for that one thing, i guess. maybe an iframe solution. but yeah, thank you!
- kiki

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« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2023 @154.34 »

thank you! though if you mean actual <frame> elements or iframes, our site actually doesn't use any! my personal journal in particular has dynamic loading through jquery, though i'm considering transitioning it into something more vanilla just... because i feel weird using jquery for that one thing, i guess. maybe an iframe solution. but yeah, thank you!
- kiki

Sorry. I thought you were using iframes because your landing page says, "this site contains javascript, iframes, and sound (not autoplay though)". But I'm looking at the actual HTML source now and seeing the structure. I'm still impressed.

However, if you don't want to use JQuery to implement independent scrolling in kiki's half and ayano's half, that can be done in CSS. Here's a fiddle you can use for reference.

kiki & ayano
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devour the past

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First 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!Joined 2023!
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2023 @156.82 »

Sorry. I thought you were using iframes because your landing page says, "this site contains javascript, iframes, and sound (not autoplay though)". But I'm looking at the actual HTML source now and seeing the structure. I'm still impressed.

However, if you don't want to use JQuery to implement independent scrolling in kiki's half and ayano's half, that can be done in CSS. Here's a fiddle you can use for reference.

at one point iframes were used in one portion of the site but they've been removed, so i can probably remove that from the splash screen, it just totally slipped my mind. thanks for reminding me!

jquery also isn't used for scrolling the halves? that's pure HTML/CSS already. splitting the website in two is the first thing i did while making it for the first time haha. but i appreciate it anyways
- kiki

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« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2023 @158.94 »

at one point iframes were used in one portion of the site but they've been removed, so i can probably remove that from the splash screen, it just totally slipped my mind. thanks for reminding me!

jquery also isn't used for scrolling the halves? that's pure HTML/CSS already. splitting the website in two is the first thing i did while making it for the first time haha. but i appreciate it anyways
- kiki

Looks like you've got this, then. I might learn a few things myself...

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