Hey, everyone. 👋 I'm Devon. I love video games, technology, and the internet. Right now, I'm looking for the right place to settle down. Once I've found it, I would like to push back against the urban planning trends that have destroyed American cities over the last 70 years.
I'm not too crazy about the direction the internet has taken either, and I'm excited to explore the part of the web that isn't a giant shopping mall. Up until recently, I thought that part had disappeared years go, but I'm learning it's alive and well!
My site is at
devon.lol. It's so cool to find a non-commercial web site that's about something you love. When I write for my site, I not only get the satisfaction of putting my ideas into words, for strangers to potentially find, but I get to imagine some of them feeling a little of that excitement when they find my site. It's like we have this little connection across space and time. That spark of electricity you feel when you find someone who is weird in the same ways you are.
Looking forward to chatting with you all!