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Author Topic: What is your favourite piece of lost media/One you want found the most?  (Read 6402 times)
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« on: June 28, 2022 @406.83 »

For me personally, I want Medical Wedding by Masa Works Design to be found, because the 10 second clip that has been found of it sounds amazing and I want to hear the full version.

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« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2022 @805.86 »

For me it's either the Webkinz beta or the Ruby and Sapphire beta

For Webkinz it seems extremely unlikely that we'll see anything more from it especially since the creators don't seem to care about preservation of the site, but Webkinz in 3D sounds interesting

For Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire it has to be coming at some point because we have had like 1 major gen 1 leak, several major gen 2 leaks, 2 major gen 4 leaks, but absolutely nothing for gen 3. I'm mostly just curious if Latiken was going to be an evolved form of Torchic and what beta Combusken might have been like.

« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2022 @826.41 »

I would love to hear the entirety of the beta Temple theme from Super Smash Bros. Melee. It sounds to beautiful and mysterious.

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« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2022 @38.30 »

I've tried finding this some other places, so I guess I'll leave it here. It's worth a try.

I remember watching a clickbaity "top 10" video around 2016 or so. It was in the same format as Chills or Mr. Nightmare or one of those, but a little more obscure and kind of generic. It was a list of spooky videos, I think. Or spooky recordings. One or the other.

The entry which really caught my eye was one of this lady who broke into this couple's house, and brought her camcorder with her. The narrator explained that they found the VHS tape she had recorded onto under their couch or something, in a spot where they might not have found it.

The video then showed the recording the lady had taken. I remember she was wearing a white or tan t-shirt, the footage was very low-res and grainy, and she was definitely blonde. I think there might have been someone holding the camera for her, but it was really creepy because she was just silently talking into the camera, and I guess the sound was turned off. I don't think it was possible to read her lips.

The couple who found this tape was obviously really disturbed when they saw this video of the woman in their home, sitting exactly where they were. What's especially strange is that it was on a VHS tape, but this was in the 2010s. They didn't think she was a previous tenant, because they had met the previous tenants, and it seemed to be new. The narrator played the full video, I think, in its entirety. Really creepy stuff, the way she looks at the viewer with this knowing smile.

Like I said, it was on a YouTube top 10 list with a decent view count, though there are so many of them it'd be virtually impossible to find again, especially with it being a pretty old Top 10 list. I have heard from a few people who do remember seeing this video and certain details about how she looked, but nobody has been able to find it. It is a pretty weird piece of Internet history, and as far as I know I'm the main searcher for it. It has a special significance for me, because it partially inspired a well-known short horror story of mine.

If anyone has seen it, or remembers seeing it at some point, I'd be really interested in hearing your take. I might be misremembering some of these details, it was a pretty long time ago, but it was definitely real.

Aw HECK yeah!
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« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2022 @262.42 »

Hands down, the missing Doctor Who episodes.

There's quite a bit of the first two Doctors missing and possibly lost for good, due to the BBC's practice at the time of wiping or destroying "spare" copies of film. A lot has been recovered, either in whole or in part, thanks to other networks around the world that purchased the show for air and still have them for whatever reason (yay!) as well as home recordings--there are audio recordings of all the missing episodes apparently, which is awesome, but I'd just about kill to actually watch the episodes!

« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2022 @39.53 »

directv game lounge, because i REMEMBER experiencing this as a kid and its still SUCH a cool concept to me and i want to experience it again. it was basically a channel exclusive to directv satellite service where you could play games with your remote that you had to pay money for, or just play like free demos of the game. it was so neat to see games on the tv i was playing with a remote that wasnt connected to my xbox or wii. its such a cool concept and i wish they kept it going, i know it was because of smartphone and web games getting popular so it wasnt profitable but dammit i would still pay for that TODAY if i could

also another one i'd want found is that lost kxt denton song just because its such an interesting case and seeing as the person who brought it to the internet's attention died due to a tumor (i think), itd be nice to see the search come to an end with it found and preserved.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2022 @42.12 by CloveyStoleTheDecade » Logged
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« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2022 @789.46 »

There's a lot of personal lost media to me like Cartoon Network's MiniMatch or EcoWorld, but my personal wishlist is the Pokemon Episode Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma. It wasn't released because of Fukishima but was fully complete and even sent to international dubbing. I have a lot of nostalgia around gen 5 and the episode sounds awesome. I've read mixed responses from Japanese audiences about it being released, but I feel like there's a high chance it would if not by Pokemon Company than by some leak.

With the Wicked Witch episode of Sesame Street being found I have some hope for the Snuffy's parents gets a divorce episode. It's confirmed to exist but Sesame Workshop is embarrassed by it, so it's unlikely that there would be a moral release and there's a low chance it will be released like the Wicked Witch episode because this was only leaked when it was included in a private archive.


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« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2022 @466.24 »

I just want to find the old cringy videos I made as a kid but the hard drives that housed them are long gone...
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« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2022 @837.49 »

I love it when lost RuneScape caches are found. This game is an abyss of unreleased content, and who know what is missing.

But so far one of my favorite find the Yoptin interface in RuneScape Classic.

A dataminer of the RuneScape Archive found this interface in an old client and cache. It reveals that Jagex was considering letting players gain more inventory spaces by submitting their personal information.

Thankfully, this never made it into the final game as the devs opted for a subscription model instead. Still, that is an interesting piece of history that was uncovered.

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« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2023 @950.05 »

It's kind of an obscure web game, but it was a website called virtualdog.com, where you could sign up, adopt a dog, train it, and then walk around as the dog inside of an online chatroom talking with other dogs LOL.

I remember playing it at midnight when the calendar switched from 1999 to 2000!

I wish I could login and play again!

« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2023 @816.92 »

I remember playing a space game similar to how Elite or Galaxy on Fire would work, but it was neither.

You could warp from system to system, be a pirate, sell products for a profit, talk to other ships. It was an old sandbox 2D game and it having the typical 'turn around and accelerate to brake' mechanics, and 'press space to shoot' combat.

I distinctly remember a little corner radar/minimap that had red blips for enemy ships, green for allied and yellow for neutral, I think. None of the popular games had that radar.

EDIT: Wtf immediately after posting this I found it after ten years of searching! It was either Escape Velocity (graphics a bit unfamiliar) or Endless Sky (too late I think), but I am unsure. Either way: WOOOO
« Last Edit: January 14, 2023 @838.66 by /home/user/ » Logged
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Great Posts PacmanHappy Birthday 2k24 !bred :3First 1000 Members!Pocket Icelogist!OG! Joined 2021!
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2023 @185.31 »

There is this theme song that I have had stuck in my head for decades. I remember clearly how it goes. It’s hard to explain through text, but I remember it heavily featured a bass guitar and at some point in the song, you hear voices go “Do do do dooo… do do do do dooo, do do dooo do do do do do do do”, and then loops back. Maybe once I get good enough at playing bass, and learn what each cord is called, I can recreate the beat and upload it somewhere.

I think it was from an obscure Cartoon Network show, possibly in the early 2000s. There is this one I’m trying to look for that might be it, but I barely remember any details. Only stuff like it featured some super hero kid, and a talking dog, which doesn’t exactly narrow things down much. I think they lived in cone houses? I might be misremembering that.

In terms of actual lost media I want to see. I want to see all of the cancelled Nuon games surface and be playable. The Nuon was such a catastrophic failure that there are like thrice as many cancelled games as ones that were released, and I’m willing to bet nobody here has even heard of the system. There were a bunch if ports from PS1 and Dreamcast games that were planned for it, and some even have screenshots!

directv game lounge, because i REMEMBER experiencing this as a kid and its still SUCH a cool concept to me and i want to experience it again. it was basically a channel exclusive to directv satellite service where you could play games with your remote that you had to pay money for, or just play like free demos of the game. it was so neat to see games on the tv i was playing with a remote that wasnt connected to my xbox or wii. its such a cool concept and i wish they kept it going, i know it was because of smartphone and web games getting popular so it wasnt profitable but dammit i would still pay for that TODAY if i could

Oh wow, I remember we had something like that as well! You could play breakout or pong whole watching Cartoon Network. It was wild how they were able to do that!
« Last Edit: January 19, 2023 @190.15 by Cobra! » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2023 @287.23 »

Two different things.

A song from long ago called Forest Of Wonder by MHM Production, and the Mother 3 Nintendo 64 prototype.

The former I heard in a very old minecraft video, but the people who made it seem to have kinda vanished off the internet, or atleast, have taken down any instance of their music existing. There was one time where I found it after asking on Reddit... But i forgot to save the song before the website that had the song shut down, which I'll always slap myself over honestly.

The latter one... Oh boy, that one I've been craving for years in all honesty. For context, before it became a GBA game, Mother 3 was going to be a game on the N64 for the DD addon, before being moved to the N64 itself, before being straight up cancelled and made into a GBA game. The only thing that exists online of the game is various pieces of footage from spaceworld showcases back in 1995 - 1999.

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« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2023 @905.87 »

Time ago I read about an unicorn adoptable website with hidden links, that played a MIDI of Enya's Bard Dance on loop. It was a text adventure kind of game with hyperlinks through other pages that described you going through a magical forest, with secret links to secret places, and depending of where you'd go, you could find an unicorn or an egg to adopt.

The description fascinates me, but nobody replied to it. The closest thing I've found to this intriguing game is The Nameless Forest, which is surprisingly well laid-out! I'd really love to make a branching story/written interactible world like this sometime, I think it's a medium full of possibilities that hasn't been explored yet :ozwomp:

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« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2023 @847.52 »

I want them to find the missing fragments of the Epic of Gilgamesh as that is my favourite book :happy:
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